Climate Policy: Adaptation, Not Mitigation (Part 2, Examples)

By Terry Anderson and Donald Leal -- May 21, 2015 No Comments

Yesterday’s post explained how market incentives can address environmental issues, including the believed-to-be negatives of climate change. Prices of inputs and outputs, utilizing resources even if they are subject to the tragedy of the commons, incorporate dynamic environmental changes. Markets, in other words, offer the potential for dynamic responses.

If climate change reduces the productivity of land for wheat production, for example, the price of land will be high relative to its productivity. This generates an incentive for wheat farmers to seek new places for wheat production where land prices are lower. Hence, the 2012 Bloomberg news headline, “Corn Belt Shifts North With Climate as Kansas Crop Dies.” Therefore even if the atmosphere as a GHG sink and GHG emissions themselves are not priced, prices correlated with the effects of climate change will induce adaptation.…

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: April 20, 2015

By -- April 20, 2015 No Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at, which is a wealth of energy and environmental resources.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks this newsletter is compiled to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters.

Some standout articles in this issue, are:

An exceptional TV interview about journalistic incompetence (think AGW, Wind Energy, etc.)

Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria

Dr. Curry on: Draft APS Statement on Climate Change

How Colleges Are Becoming Greenhouses for Sustainability Indoctrination

Wind Turbine Leaseholders May be on the Hook for Billions

What’s the True Cost of Wind Power?

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Clean Energy Producers Act of 2015 (H.R. 493): Eagle Slaughter Amnesty for Industrial Wind

By Jim Wiegand -- February 19, 2015 3 Comments

“When you can no longer hide and you have not obeyed the law, just ask your friends in Congress to bail you out. This is what this bill [H.R. 493] represents.”

For those that do not believe America has lost its way, all one has to do is look at the relationship between the wind industry and Washington D.C.  Unbiased observers will see a shell-game democracy funneling out untold billions for a highly destructive and inefficient “energy strategy.” One of the primary benefactors of this arrangement is a Washington-based group of panhandlers know as the wind industry. But this industry’s windfall set-up with Washington is threatened because word of wind power’s undisclosed impacts is reaching the public.

Profits at Risk

In the last several years it has come to the attention of the American people that the wind industry is not what it appears to be.…

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Bipartisan Energy Policy: Consumers, Taxpayers Beware

By Peter Grossman -- January 13, 2015 2 Comments

Lately, people in and out of the federal government have expressed nostalgia for the good old days of bipartisan lawmaking.  Today, we have legislative gridlock, and an ideologically polarized Congress; back then Congress got things done.

There is some truth to this, but what were the results of bipartisanship?

With respect to energy, the answer is mostly awful.

Here’s a list of some major pieces of energy legislation (and the votes) of the last 40+ years; commentary to follow:

Bill/Year Final House Vote Final Senate Vote
Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 (EPAA) 348-46 83-3
Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA) 300-103 65-27
Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act (1980) 302-107 66-31
Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980 (MFEE) 365-7 Acclamation
Energy Security Act of 1980 (SFC) 317-93 78-12
Comprehensive  Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct 1992) 381-37 93-3
Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) 275-156 74-26
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) 314-100 86-8

The table shows there was plenty of bipartisanship.…

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New York Wind Wars: Hiding the Facts (PTC allows Invenergy to desecrate)

By Mary Kay Barton -- September 12, 2013 16 Comments Continue Reading

Dear Australia: Replace the Carbon Tax with . . . NOTHING (don’t cream consumers at the credit casino)

By Viv Forbes -- August 7, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Frac Bounty: All Should Participate (resource creation for economic revival)

By -- July 25, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Wind Pricing: Not Cheap but Subsidized

By -- July 23, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

The Incompatibility of Wind and Crop ‘Farming’

By -- July 1, 2013 15 Comments Continue Reading

Sen. Alexander: Statement on Production Tax Credit ($27 billion over 10 years is enough!)

By Thomas Marks -- February 20, 2012 6 Comments Continue Reading