The Fundamental Weakness of Renewable Energy Sources

By Jon Boone -- January 25, 2021 4 Comments

“Wind does not belong in any modern energy supply portfolio. Grids do substantial work to integrate wind volatility … Retrofitting modern technology to meet the needs of ancient wind flutter is monumentally backwards, a sure sign that pundits and politicians, not scientists, are now in charge.”

Except for hydro, renewable energy sources are inimical to any rational idea of maintaining access to energy with highly secure power capacity. Restated, wind and solar cannot produce modern power without being wholly entangled with modern power producers.

This article will focus on wind power, but similar problems affect solar.

Any chemist should know enough to understand the implications of the formula governing the way wind energy must be converted into electricity: w=1/2 rAv3, where w is power; r, air density; A, rotor density; and v is wind speed.…

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Wind Power’s PTC: Chapter 14 (13th extension)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 21, 2021 6 Comments

“The PTC is the single most expensive energy subsidy in the federal tax code and is estimated to cost taxpayers about $40 billion from 2018 to 2027.” (IER, January 5, 2021)

“Special government favor to business–crony capitalism–can turn losers into winners. And the loser lobby can claim progress and even inevitability as if they really won. This is the postmodernism of energy policy today in regard to the two politically correct renewables: wind and (on-grid) solar.”

It does not end. What is not competitive and government dependent just continues that way. This is not only because the market picks winners and leaves the losers for politics. It is also because the market-driven, non-subsidized technology improves over time.

Recently, wind power federal Production Tax Credit received its 13th extension. Reported IER:

The U.S.

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Trump Administration Accomplishments (Part I: ‘American Energy Independence’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 19, 2021 No Comments

Last week, MasterResource summarized the energy- and climate-related highlights of the Trump presidency. The Trump Administration itself just released its highlight list, which is presented today for energy and tomorrow for regulation in general.

Some listed accomplishments below, however, are woke:

  • Renewable energy production and consumption both reached record highs in 2019.
  • Enacted policies that helped double the amount of electricity generated by solar and helped increase the amount of wind generation by 32 percent from 2016 through 2019.

Perfection can be the enemy of the good, and energy was no exception for Trump. In tomorrow’s list, for example, is this step back:

  • Placed a moratorium on offshore drilling off the coasts of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida.
  • Authorized ethanol producers to sell E15 year-round and allowed higher-ethanol gasoline to be distributed from existing pumps at filling stations.
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Trump’s Energy/Climate Policies in Review (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 13, 2021 1 Comment

It began early. In a candidate questionnaire in March 2016, Trump answered two key questions presented by the free-market American Energy Alliance:

“8). Do you support a carbon tax? Do you support the Obama administration’s use of the social cost of carbon in rulemakings?

A. No and No.

 9). Do you think federal agencies have abused the cost-benefit process to suit their political agenda? Would your administration end the process of underestimating costs and inflating benefits of agency regulations?

A. Yes and Yes.”

And in his first energy speech in May 2016, Trump stated:

“And if Crooked Hillary can shut down the mines, she can shut down your business too.”

“These actions have denied millions of Americans access to the energy wealth sitting under our feet. This is your treasure, and you – the American People – are entitled to share in the riches.”

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Trump on Energy, Environment, and Regulation (Part I)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 12, 2021 3 Comments Continue Reading

More Alarmism from Alarmists

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 11, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

U.S. Offshore Wind Projects: Eco-Consequences on the Firing Line (Part II: Vineyard Wind)

By Sherri Lange -- January 7, 2021 3 Comments Continue Reading

U.S. Offshore Wind Projects: Eco-Consequences on the Firing Line (Part I: Icebreaker, Cape Wind, Block Island)

By Sherri Lange -- January 6, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

Reflections … and the Year Ahead

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 4, 2021 3 Comments Continue Reading

Happy Holidays from MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 24, 2020 No Comments Continue Reading