Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
Astronomical battery cost looms over “renewables”
Renewables (General):
*** Green Energy is the Modern “Broken Window”
*** Reliable & Affordable Energy Is Life Itself: Why Wind & Solar Are Making Us All Worse Off
*** Robert Bryce: Bill McKibben’s Dishonest Claims About The Rural Backlash Against Renewables (And Me) In The New Yorker
Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying at Record Speed” As Country Struggles to Keep Warm, Lights On
Utility Regrets (Large)
European green energy fiasco is a terrifying warning for US this winter
Climate Action Council Tells Upstate NYers to Just Drop Dead
Congo Cobalt Mining Exposes Green Energy Amorality
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** NY Agency Study Concludes that Great Lakes Wind makes No Sense
*** What does a giant spinning turbine sound like to a right whale?…
“America the Beautiful is at her best in December when billions of tiny stringed light bulbs turn the mundane or darkness itself into magnificent beauty and celebration. Holiday lighting is a great social offering—a positive externality in the jargon of economics—given by many to all.”
The editors and bloggers at MasterResource wish our readers an energetic holiday season. We will resume January 2, 2023.
“The number of species affected by the growing light pollution problem is large and expanding. Oddly enough and justly we humans have in recent years been added to that list.”
“Generating the power to these lights has contributed millions of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere annually, thus contributing to global climate change, with no human benefit.”
– The Rewilding Institute (below)
The Deep Ecologists just don’t like human beings doing their own thing. Don’t eat meat. Don’t drive or fly. Don’t multiply. And … don’t violate the natural darkness.
There is even a International Dark-Sky Association formed in 2001 in the cause of promoting night sky for land-based astronomy. Enter Jason Kahn, who introduces the film Saving the Dark in this article, The Ecological & Human Need for Dark Skies.…
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