Federal Energy Efficiency Mandates: DOE’s End Run vs. the Public Interest (Part I)

By Mark Krebs and Tom Tanton -- January 30, 2017 3 Comments

“EERE inappropriately colluded with NRDC, and some in the electric industry, to its predetermined and self-serving conclusions. Clearly, EERE’s mission is to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. This fact makes them biased, consciously or unconsciously. They are an inappropriate custodian of such metrics.”

“Originally limited to technology development, assessment and promotion, some offices in DOE are now using the cudgel of regulation and ‘guidance’ to ensure their favored technologies ‘win’ regardless of the national interest.”

“Taking the form of an RFI, the proposed change is both procedurally and technically deficient, resulting in regulatory guidance that is discriminatory and lacks basis.”

This is Part 1 in a two-part article about an abuse of the Request for Information (RFI) process at the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy (EERE).…

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Direct-Use Natural Gas Needs a Free Market Too (‘deep decarbonization’ easy target for elimination in new policy era)

By -- January 4, 2017 1 Comment

“The basic strategy of deep decarbonization is to ‘electrify everything’ because, theoretically, someday soon, wind and solar could affordably displace all fossil fuels. The analytical basis of such beliefs, however, comes up radically short.”

“Alternatives to electricity should also be given a fair chance to compete for consumers—free of regulatory bias.”

“The economics of natural gas direct use is also superior to natural gas via the electric grid because it is far less capital intensive.”

The Rolling Stones song playing in the background during President-Elect Trump’s victory speech contained an important message to the American People:

“You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes well you might find you get what you need.”

Something else the American people need is the continued right to choose natural gas for their homes and businesses.…

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‘Home Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards’ Hearing: Some Reflections (Part I)

By -- June 29, 2016 3 Comments

“Over the years, there have been numerous iterations of more stringent minimum efficiency mandates for the most important appliances. Thus, the most economical ‘low hanging fruit’ has generally been picked clean with diminishing returns from continued picking.”

“Under the Obama Administration, DOE’s appliance energy efficiency oversight has been expanded far more than previous Administrations, from 15 appliance product categories to 60 product categories.”

Earlier this month, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy & Power held the above-named hearing. In all, it was much better than the usual lopsided infomercial under the guise of a hearing.  There was not time for all “stakeholders” to speak, but anyone could submit written testimony.

These were the witnesses:

  • Joseph M. McGuire, President and CEO, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers;
  • Kevin J.
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Mark Krebs: Digging Down on Energy Efficiency Claims (an interview)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 16, 2016 7 Comments

“DOE and its environmental allies are trying their best bypass the adaptation of full fuel-cycle analyses through their jihad against carbon; which includes natural gas, or at least its direct use. Apparently, natural gas is still considered to be “clean,” but only if burned in electric power plants.”

MR:    Tell us about your interest in the energy efficiency debate from a natural gas perspective.

MEK: When I was a medic during Vietnam, I saw the crucial need for reliable and affordable energy in third-world countries I served in, such as vaccines for refrigeration.  So researched and became aware of the term “appropriate technologies,” and I began reading works by Dr. Ernst Friedrich “Fritz” Schumacher. One book was Small is Beautiful.

While Schumacher wasn’t exactly advocating free markets, his writings certainly endorsed free, locally directed, choices as opposed to the imposition of central government dictation of energy programs.

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“Grid-Enabled” Water Heating: “Deep Decarbonization” as Crony Environmentalism (Part II)

By -- March 10, 2016 No Comments Continue Reading

“Grid-Enabled” Water Heating: “Deep Decarbonization” as Crony Environmentalism (Part I)

By -- March 9, 2016 6 Comments Continue Reading

Gas Furnace Rule Part II: Return of the “Scorched Gas” Policy

By -- July 15, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Giving (tax) Credit Where Credit Isn’t Due: “Geothermal” Heat Pumps (and beyond)

By -- March 18, 2015 4 Comments Continue Reading

DOE Policy: In Search of Transparency (efficiency standards in controversy)

By -- November 25, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy Mischief at the Rural Utilities Services (USDA): Climate Hubs, Efficiency Mandates, Fuel Switching Rules

By -- March 25, 2014 No Comments Continue Reading