AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 16, 2013

By -- September 16, 2013 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at, which is a wealth of energy and environmental resources.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.


Greed Energy Economics:

New York Wind Wars – Hiding the Facts

An indicator that we will have to ratchet up our anti-PTC effort soon

How Renewable Portfolio Standards Can Subvert The Economy

FERC Chair nominee targets natural gas

Electricity Demand Patterns Matter for Valuing Electricity Supply Resources

Wind Energy, The Devil and Local Representatives

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Hiding Avian Mortality: Where ‘Green’ is Red (Part II: Wolfe Island)

By Jim Wiegand -- September 13, 2013 17 Comments

“It is time for responsible people who care about our environment and wildlife to step forward – and demand investigations; prosecutions for fraud, dereliction of duty, and receipt of taxpayer subsidies and other payments made in reliance on false and misleading reports; a suspension of all payments to wind turbine companies, government officials and environmental groups involved in the deception; termination of permits for wind turbines in or near bird and bat habitats; and enforcement of endangered species and migratory bird laws fully and equally against all industries, including industrial wind power.”

While Altamont Pass operators have been hiding most of their wind turbine mortality with search intervals of 30–90 days (see Part I), the rest of North American wind farms hide mortality by using search areas that are far too small.

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Hiding “Avian Mortality”: Where ‘Green’ is Red (Part I: Altamont Pass)

By Jim Wiegand -- September 4, 2013 75 Comments

“The wind industry is hiding over 90% of the bird and bat mortality caused by their turbines. This statement is supported by the industry’s own data and reasonable adjustments for its manipulations.”

“The wind industry is … producing faulty, misleading and even fraudulent documents to hide the serious and growing mortality. This situation has continued for years but has been shielded by state and federal agencies and other supporters of wind power.”

A “green energy” wildlife genocide is depopulating wildlife habitats across the world where vital species once found refuge. Industrial wind turbines have invaded these habitats and are devastating bird and bat species.

Rather than avoiding these critical habitats or taking steps to minimize impacts on important species, the heavily subsidized wind industry is responding by producing faulty, misleading and even fraudulent documents to hide the serious and growing mortality.

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The Ungreening of Windpower: Dina Cappiello (AP) Blows the Whistle on Big Wind (and others are following)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 28, 2013 9 Comments

“[The Obama] administration has never fined or prosecuted a wind-energy company, even those that flout the law repeatedly. Instead, the government is shielding the industry from liability and helping keep the scope of the [bird] deaths secret.”

– Dina Cappiello, “Obama Administration Allows Wind Farms to Kill Eagles, Birds Despite Federal Laws, Washington Post, May 14, 2013. [Note: WaPo scrubbed the article where the link does not work.]

“By accepting the compromises of the real world and enthusiastically supporting the establishment of the wind industry, [environmentalists] entered the devil’s bargain that now prevents them from fighting the power companies. . . . Here in the almost wilds of Altamont Pass, the environmentalists and Kenetech have reached the point where solutions become problems–the point at which there is blood on the answer.”

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Wind Power, Bats, and the Ecological Double Standard

By Paul Driessen and James Rust -- April 5, 2013 27 Comments Continue Reading

Violent Environmental Problems With Wind Turbine Operation: From Avian Mortality to Catastrophic Failure

By James Rust -- April 3, 2013 15 Comments Continue Reading

Response to Media Matters on Wind Power Accidents (dilute or dense energy for health & safety?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 2, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: 4/1/13

By -- April 1, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Anti-Energy Ideology: Where Eco-Imperialism Meets Vulture Environmentalism

By -- March 21, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Big Wind & Avian Mortality (Part II: Hiding the Problem)

By Jim Wiegand -- March 15, 2013 43 Comments Continue Reading