Alaska Bad Bill 2: Electric Utility Regulation (SB 257)

By -- April 4, 2024 No Comments

“Our utilities are working in collusion with NGOs and ENGOs that promote decarbonization over affordability and reliability. Compromised utility board members will waste no time using this change in statute to gaslight everyone around them into believing this is what is best for them.”

The short title of Alaska’s SB 257 – Electric Utility Regulation refers to a monstrous process of government-on-government:

“An Act relating to the Regulatory Commission of Alaska; relating to public utilities; relating to electric reliability organizations; relating to the Alaska Energy Authority; relating to the Railbelt Transmission Organization; and providing for an effective date.”

This bill was introduced by the Alaska Senate Resources Committee on March 1, 2024. Per the sponsor statement, “Senate Bill 257 lays the groundwork for an electric system that is more affordable, more sustainable, more equitable, a grid that can power a prosperous future for generations of Alaskans to come.”…

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Alaska Bad Bill 1: Clean Energy Standards (HB 368)

By -- April 3, 2024 1 Comment

“The score for this bill in its present state is a -7 with -9 being the worst, 0 neutral, and +9 being the best for freedom and liberty.”

HB 368 was introduced by Representative George Rauscher, chair of the Special House Energy Committee. Clean Energy Standards (CES) is the evil twin of the Renewable Portfolio Standard, Despite, the claim by this committee that there are no penalties for utilities to contend with, its just smoke-and-mirrors in terms of ratepayer welfare, energy reliability, and economic freedom from energy statism.

On March 22, 2024, the House Special Committee on Energy advanced the bill out of committee by a vote of 4-3 to establish a CES under HB 368.  The purpose of the bill is “to establish a clean energy standard that requires certain electric utilities to derive increasing percentages of the utility’s net electricity sales from clean energy sources.”…

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Canadian Climate Policy: Reasonableness Needed

By Rob Ivany -- December 7, 2023 1 Comment

“Governments, NGOs, and rent-seeking interests often originate and perpetuate issue polarization based solely on political expediency and are adept at stifling debate and fomenting division. Acceptance of contrary opinions is greeted with enthusiasm akin to how the 5th-century Romans must have welcomed the invading Barbarian horde.”

Reasonableness. It’s imbued in our lexicon as the word for which we reach when the need arises to make an appeal for fairness, moderation, tolerance, caution, or logically deduce what outcome is or was most likely: ‘Let’s be reasonable here’. ‘I’m trying to appeal to your sense of reason’. ‘Do we believe that is the most reasonable course of action?’

As a concept, it underpins our modern society. The Age of Reason precipitated this inclusion of intellectualism into our societal fabric where rapid progress in science and philosophy permeated our views, challenging old constructs to improve the human condition.…

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Headwinds for Offshore Wind (Rhode Island’s RFP a sign of trouble)

By -- April 20, 2023 No Comments

“Why was there only one bid in response to Rhode Island Energy’s RFP if offshore wind is desirable (politically) and key to decarbonizing our economy? Was it because inflation and high-interest rates caused developers to hesitate over whether they could earn a reasonable profit?”

Last October, Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee announced a request for proposals (RFP) for offshore wind procurement in compliance with a new law.  The law required the State’s primary utility company, Rhode Island Energy, to seek to contract up to 1,000 megawatts (MW) of new offshore wind generating capacity at market-competitive rates. 

This offshore wind procurement has the potential to satisfy 30% of Rhode Island’s estimated 2030 electricity demand.  When added to the 30-MW Block Island Wind farm and the contracted 400-MW Revolution Offshore Wind 1 project, the state will have secured about half of its projected energy needs from offshore wind. …

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Massachusetts Offshore Wind Troubles

By -- April 5, 2023 5 Comments Continue Reading

‘Al Gore and the End of Climate Policy’ (autopsy time)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 9, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

Avoiding a Malthusian Future

By Richard W. Fulmer -- September 13, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Classical Liberalism and Electricity: Ten Questions for Lynne Kiesling

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 17, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Dessler to Debate ‘Climate Flat Earther’ Koonin: Why?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 11, 2022 4 Comments Continue Reading

Climate Alarmism Not (Manchin feels the breeze of energy freedom)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 15, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading