Free Market Environmentalism: Julian L. Simon Memorial Award Remarks

By Robert J. Smith -- February 15, 2013 3 Comments

“We appear to be on the Road to Serfdom, paved with green bricks rather than red bricks…. It is actually likely that the United States is now approaching State ownership of about 50 percent of all its land—a level of socialist land ownership unequalled in the world.”

It is a fabulous honor to receive the Julian Simon Memorial Award. Julian was one of the seminal thinkers of the 20th century—and one of the first to challenge the radical Greens’ attack on freedom and progress.

Simon demolished the limits to growth and the belief that human progress was bound in a Malthusian straitjacket, and limited by the known or presumably known physical supplies of natural resources. He argued that the ultimate resource was the limitless nature of man’s mind—his intelligence, innovation, discovery, and invention, constantly discovering and creating new resources where none had existed before.

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Energy Realism, Energy Optimism: Julian L. Simon Memorial Award Remarks

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 14, 2013 3 Comments

“I might add a prediction—that the hydrocarbon energy age could still be young, even quite young. The much-hyped emergence of a new renewable energy era by mid-century is less our energy future than our energy past…”

I am honored to receive the [2002] Julian Simon award tonight. My thanks go to the Simon family and the Competitive Enterprise Institute for having this annual award to recognize and encourage new contributions in the “sustainable development” field that Simon pioneered.

My appreciation also goes out to a number of groups within the classical liberal “structure of production” that have supported my intellectual development over the last quarter century, and in particular the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University, the Cato Institute, and the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.

Julian Simon was very interested in energy and energy-environmental issues.

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The Intellectual Victor: Julian L. Simon Memorial Award Remarks

By Matt Ridley -- February 13, 2013 5 Comments

“Have you noticed something about fossil fuels–we are the only creatures that use them. What this means is that when you use oil, coal or gas, you are not competing with other species. When you use timber, or crops or tide, or hydro or even wind, you are [competing]. There is absolutely no doubt that the world’s policy of encouraging the use of bio-energy, whether in the form of timber or ethanol, is bad for wildlife – it competes with wildlife for land, or wood or food.”

“The eco-pessimist view ignores history, misunderstands finiteness, thinks statically, has a vested interest in doom, and is complacent about innovation.”

It is now 32 years, nearly a third of a century, since Julian Simon nailed his theses to the door of the eco-pessimist church by publishing his famous article in Science magazine: “Resources, population, environment: an oversupply of bad news”.

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David Simon: “Let’s Be Serious, More C02 Isn’t Making the Earth ‘Uninhabitable'”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2020 2 Comments

“Halloween is coming October 31st; there is no reason to normalize scares for the rest of the year.”

It is good to see David Simon in the climate sustainability debate. The son of Julian Simon (1932–1998), David is a clear voice contrasting hypothetical doom against real statistics. And it comes in the very year that John Holdren, former Obama science advisor and bitter foe of Julian, predicted as many as one billion climate deaths could occur.

MasterResource has previously highlighted David, a Chicago attorney writing as a fellow of the Washington-based Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Simon’s op-ed, “Paul Krugman Is a Global Warming Alarmist. Don’t Be Like Him” (January 16, 2020), had a zinger in the first of his six major points.

First, the earth’s temperature has been rising at a microscopically slow pace. NASA’s

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“There Are No Natural Resources” (Boudreaux on Simon’s ‘ultimate resource’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 10, 2020 5 Comments Continue Reading

A Re-Look at ‘The Bet’ (Simon, Ehrlich, and Paul Sabin)

By Pierre Desrochers -- April 5, 2017 1 Comment Continue Reading

On the History of IER (for the record)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 11, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Appreciating the Master Resource (Part II: Energy Foes Agree!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 3, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Appreciating the Master Resource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 2, 2024 1 Comment Continue Reading

“A New Energy Blog” (from 2008)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 26, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading