Why is the Party in Power So Fearful of Copenhagen? (Is a ‘death spiral’ for climate alarmism ahead?)

By Kenneth P. Green -- September 1, 2009 14 Comments

[Editor note: Ken Green was a Working Group 1 expert reviewer for the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2001]

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing an odd refrain from the Democrats who are pushing hardest for the Waxman-Markey climate bill. They are determined, it seems, not only to have such a bill drawn up before Copenhagen, but to have it signed into law. At the same time, the EPA is widely expected to issue its endangerment finding for greenhouse gases, triggering what will undoubtedly be a hotly disputed regulatory process.

President Obama, it is reported, wants to sign climate legislation before the critically important Copenhagen climate conference in December. And Senate Majority leader Harry Reid wants the President to sign a climate bill this fall as well.…

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ObamaCare to ObamaEnergy: Questioning ‘Telephone-Book-Sized Legislation’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 21, 2009 2 Comments

“The Republicans are right — it’s a cap-and-tax bill. That’s what it is because they are raising revenue to do all sorts of things, especially to take care of the coal industry, and it makes no sense.”

– Tim Wirth, “Climate Bill ‘Out of Control,’ Former Senator Says,” Bloomberg,  August 18, 2009.

“Trading of rights to pollute … introduces speculation and makes millionaires on Wall Street. I hope cap and trade doesn’t pass, because we need a much more effective approach.”

–  Remarks of James Hansen, 350 Climate Conference, Columbia University, May 4, 2009 [Speech writeup in Appendix below]

Left commentators are interpreting what has gone wrong with the Obama healthcare plan. One explanation is the sheer complexity of the legislation. “[Obama] had a near-Depression to deal with, and a banking crisis of mammoth proportions,” stated MSNBC’s Howard Fineman.

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An Energy Obituary

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 18, 2009 No Comments

A death announcement last week in the Houston Chronicle caught my eye. I never met the late Stephen Simon, but what I read made me realize that the quiet heroes and heroines of free-market capitalism need to be saluted now and then. For they are the wealth creators and real philanthropists versus the political system’s wealth redistributionists and wealth destroyers.

Here is the essence of this man. An engineer. More than 40 years with a major energy company in a variety of advancing positions at home and abroad. Successful. Private sector philanthropist with his time and money.

And through it all, a “heroic capitalist” in the Smith-Smiles-Rand tradition (see Part I of my Capitalism at Work). A practitioner of Principled Entrepreneurship ™.

Think of what Julian Simon would have said about Stephen Simon (no relation): He created more than he consumed to leave us resource richer.…

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Where is the Real Dr. Chu, Mr. President? (Climate alarmism – nuclear = not much on the supply side)

By Donald Hertzmark -- July 17, 2009 5 Comments

In quick succession, the Obama administration has dealt a near-death blow to new civilian nuclear reactors in the U.S.

First, the Yucca Mountain Project, a waste storage facility in Nevada, was “zeroed-out” of the 2009 budget. Second, the administration has just ended U.S. participation in a new nuclear fuel recycling project, one that would extract more energy from existing fission energy sources, and reduce sharply the high level nuclear waste from nuclear power.

Presiding over both of these decisions–that effectively terminate the feasibility of new nuclear power plants for the U.S.–is Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, Nobel Laureate in Physics, and former director of the Lawrence Berkeley Energy Laboratory.

In contrast to the crowing of Senator Harry Reid about “killing” the Yucca Mountain Waste storage project, Dr. Chu described nuclear fuel recycling as an essential element of nuclear power for the U.S.,…

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Micro-Nuclear: No Panacea

By Robert Peltier -- July 16, 2009 8 Comments Continue Reading

What’s the Price of Nuclear Power? (probably higher than you think)

By Robert Peltier -- July 10, 2009 11 Comments Continue Reading

The Enron Revitalization Act of 2009 (from the Kyoto Protocol to Waxman-Markey)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 1, 2009 12 Comments Continue Reading

Why Waxman-Markey Is Not A Climate Bill

By Chip Knappenberger -- June 29, 2009 4 Comments Continue Reading

“Green” China: Big PR vs. King Coal (move over dung, primitive biomass, and Waxman-Markey)

By Donald Hertzmark -- June 24, 2009 9 Comments Continue Reading

Left Pushback on Waxman-Markey: Is It Time to Start Over?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 23, 2009 10 Comments Continue Reading