“We need the countries that have spare production capacity to tell the world they will be ready to bring more oil to the market. Saudi Arabia has proven that they are a responsible exporter. And I would be hopeful that they will once again show their constructive role in these difficult days.” (Fatih Birol, below)
The head of the International Energy Agency (IEA) has joined with the head of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in urging global oil producers to produce more crude oil immediately to avoid more pain at the pump and elsewhere. Fatih Birol–previously anti-oil–has issued an energy crisis “red alert” not unlike a similar plea by Secretary Jennifer Granholm earlier this year.
She said:
… Continue ReadingWe are on a war footing—an emergency—and we have to responsibly increase short-term [oil and gas] supply where we can right now to stabilize the market and to minimize harm to American families….
“While solar power is generally reaching near-full generation capacity, wind generation is currently generating significantly less than what it historically generated in this time period. Current projections show wind generation coming in less than 10 percent of its capacity.” (ERCOT, below)
“The saga is not over but will likely get worse. Wind and solar are still being added to the grid, and the politicians and regulators will have to resort to more and more intervention to keep the lights on over time.” (RLB, below)
The Sunday announcement was for yesterday: a conservation alert between 2 pm and 8 pm because of disappearing wind power:
Appeal Effective Monday, July 11, 2022
With extreme hot weather driving record power demand across Texas, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is issuing a Conservation Appeal, asking Texans and Texas businesses to voluntarily conserve electricity, Monday, July 11 between 2-8 p.m.…
Continue Reading“In order to solve the climate problem, the first thing we need to do is ignore the economists.” – Andrew Dessler, May 14, 2022
“If you’re pushing fossil fuels at this point, you’re anti-human.” – Dessler, June 28, 2022
Andrew Dessler is the alarmist’s alarmist, joining Michael Mann and others who have declared war not only against fossil fuels but also against anyone who thinks otherwise. The two bring to mind the infamous Joe Romm, who carried the ugly torch back in his heyday.
Dessler is angry. His message of doom-and-gloom is not convincing many outside of the Church of Climate. And his emotions and disrespect work against his (hyped) activism. Consider his sarcastic paraphrase of the IPCC Summary for Policymakers:
… Continue ReadingHey assholes. We’ve been telling you for decades that this was going to happen if we didn’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions.