“The most important near-term action the Administration can pursue is to unequivocally take counterproductive policies and rhetoric off the table. Policies like export bans or windfall profit taxes may not only hamper the industry’s ability to fully supply the market, but also create the uncertainty that dissuades potential new investments needed to increase domestic energy production.”
“… accusations of profiteering and calling into question our members’ patriotism are not supported by the facts and do a disservice to the millions of workers who show up to work every day … to power the economy.”
It is good to see the leading oil and gas trade associations on the offensive against the Biden Administration’s anti-affordable-energy agenda. With the moral high ground and the attention of regular citizen/voters, there is every reason for these consumer-driven industries to stop playing defense and woke politics.…
Continue ReadingEd. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
Subsidized Wind & Solar Root Cause of Every Power Pricing & Supply Crisis
Renewables (General):
*** Report: No Emission Reduction Gained from Increasing Wind & Solar
*** Breakthrough in U.S. grid storage estimating
All Electricity Sources Pollute
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Maryland’s Offshore Wind is a $4 Billion Boondoggle
*** BOEM Comments re proposed Maryland Offshore Wind Project
*** Hurricane risk is real for offshore wind
*** SCC Asked to Put Offshore Wind Failure Risk on Dominion, Not Customers
Wind developer, environmentalists agree on ways to protect whales
Fears fishing grounds will be lost to fleet
Wind Energy — Other:
*** Wind turbines bound for landfill because of hefty recycling expenses
*** A No Wind Solution
*** Southern Idaho Ranches Threatened by Potential Wind Project Development
The Lava Ridge Wind Turbine Project
Report: Leading edge erosion and pollution from wind turbine blades
A land rush for renewable energy is transforming Eastern Colorado
Solar Energy:
In Pandering to the Green Left, Biden Is Underwriting China’s Genocide of Uyghurs
Nuclear Energy:
A More Reliable and Responsible Climate Plan for NY (and elsewhere)
Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** Study: “Climate Impacts“ of Fossil Fuels in Today’s Energy Systems
*** Diesel oil and engine oil is going from scarcity to non-existent
*** Yes, You CAN Blame Biden For High Energy Prices
Is The Global Climate Agenda Dead?…
Independence Day could also be called the CO2 Holiday with all the driving, grilling, and fireworks. So ignore the climate alarmists and eco-snoops. Celebrate the traditions of the July 4th weekend with gusto!
Drive to a favorite place, grill outdoors to your heart’s desire, use plastic for convenience, keep the house cool and drinks cold, and watch the fireworks. The climate will not notice.
Here are some photos for inspiration.