Dr. Craig Idso, Chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, invites readers to join him in a new series of articles discussing the many ways in which rising atmospheric carbon dioxide benefits humanity and nature. His introductory post is here.
“Based on the numerous experiments listed there, I can tell you that, typically, a 300-ppm increase in the air’s CO2 content … will raise the productivity of most herbaceous plants by about one-third, which stimulation is generally manifested by an increase in the number of branches and tillers, more and thicker leaves, more extensive root systems, and more flowers and fruit.”
Perhaps the most well-known and significant biological benefit of Earth’s rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is enhanced plant production.…
Continue ReadingThe recent action of the U.S. Department of Justice against a major wind developer for ‘takings’ of golden eagles, as well as the tip-of-the-iceberg problem of such wind carnage, is major news. The post today revisits a decade-old dodge of the problem by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), now part of the American Clean Power Association. So where were the real environmentalists then–and where are they today?
The double-standard and hypocrisy of the AWEA can be documented from their August 19, 2011, release: Fact Check: Fox News Off Base on Bird Collisions, concerning Altamont Pass’s impact on golden eagles. The op-ed follows with comment:
FoxNews.Com carried a story on bird collisions a few days ago with a number of misleading statements. We covered much of the same ground with a response to the Los Angeles Times in early June (see “News story draws questionable conclusions from eagle collisions with old turbines,” June 6, 2011), and won’t repeat that material at length.…
Continue Reading“It’s hard to imagine and even harder to stomach, but more than 60,000 eagle carcasses have secretly shipped to this repository, with no cause of death or origin given…. Since 1997, nobody involved with wind energy and its eagle carcasses, has been allowed to disclose the truth.”
“America’s silenced USFWS agents know exactly what’s taking place because they process and arrange FedEx overnight shipping for nearly all the eagle carcasses shipped to the Denver Eagle Repository.”
Recently an American wind energy company pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges after at least 150 eagles were killed since 2012. The company has agreed to spend as much as $27 million on efforts to prevent more deaths.
What good are these millions? Except for shutting down turbines, there is no way to prevent eagle deaths from wind blades.…
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