Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics
*** The green agenda’s role in global inflation
*** Biden’s Most Preposterous Lie Is Too Much Even For The Washington Post
*** The great renewables ripoff
Ohio County Veto of Wind Project Shows It’s Time to End Federal Wind Subsidies
NY Governor Blames Utilities for Costs of State Climate Policies
Renewables (General)
*** Report: Deadly Summer Blackouts Inevitable As Renewables Struggle To Replace Reliable Energy
*** Beware: 100% green energy could destroy the planet
*** Short video: How Solar Cells And Wind Turbines Are Made
Wind and Solar Face Increasing Opposition Everywhere They Go!…
“I suspect fossil fuel leaders were surprised and amazed that their frankly evil plan worked beyond their wildest dreams…. This is NOT to let the fossil fuel leaders off the hook. Far from it, they should be in prison (not climate activists!).” (- P. Kalmus, below)
The climate nuts hurt their cause as much or more than they help it. And their own words doom them to ridicule and irrelevance.
Enter Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist making a living at taxpayer expense. He has been a go-to voice regarding the April 6, 2022, “Scientist Rebellion” event where over 1,000 scientists in 26 countries risked arrest to “warn the world.”
Kalmus glued himself to the entrance of Los Angeles’s Chase Bank headquarters and got arrested. The story is told here:
… Continue Reading“The scientists of the world are being ignored and it’s got to stop,” said Peter Kalmus, a California-based father of two and NASA climate scientist.
“The airborne pressure pulses which emanate from wind turbines cause physiological and psychological damage to individuals in different ways and at different intensities (some individuals are unaffected)…. Homes become uninhabitable and very difficult to sell.”
“[T]here is much evidence that would be exposed in a court action by a skilled barrister that could be hugely damaging to the wind company and, indeed, the whole industry. The industry knows that and will not be keen to take that course.” (DeFrock, below)
The website clearinghouse DeFrock offers a current report on the state of litigation by victimized landowners against industrial wind turbines in Australia, a Net Zero hotspot. “A Guide to Seeking Damages From Wind Energy Project Owners/Operators,” is reproduced below. And more than this, plaintiffs are winning in court against Big Wind.…
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