“Energy Facism” (Rothbard 1974 speaks to us today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 16, 2021 No Comments

“When the black day of August 15, 1971 arrived, we free-market economists predicted that shortages of all sorts of products would result from the price control…. On the day of the freeze, everything seem[ed] to be functioning smoothly, and so the general mood [was] one of euphoric success.”

“When Tricky Dick imposed Phase I in August, 1971, price inflation was proceeding at something like a rate of 4% per year. Now, after 4 1/2 ‘phases’ of varying degrees of price dictation, and continued monetary inflation by the government, we are suffering a price inflation rate of something like 10% per year.”

August 15, 1971, was the day that President Richard Nixon shocked the country, and indeed the world, with a price control order. Everything—all goods and services, as well as wages and interest rates—were frozen for 90 days.…

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Renewables Slow “Energy Transition” (It’s not easy being green)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 6, 2021 No Comments

“Replacing gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles will increase demand for power … [but] Texas’ grid lacks the transmission capabilities…. And without more batteries to store power when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow, it will be difficult for renewables to become a stable source of electric generation.”

“The electric vehicle maker Canoo announced in late June it would build a large factory in Oklahoma instead of in North Texas, citing the Lone Star State’s unreliable energy infrastructure as one reason.”

Houston Chronicle, July 5, 2021, B4.

Renewables cause “greenouts” by disappearing at the peak and wounding conventional (‘reliable’) generation otherwise.

And greenouts are putting electricity for transportation in doubt–and discouraging new business from relocating to PUCT/ERCOT’s Texas.

Read it for yourself: Shelby Webb in “Houston’s energy transition not likely to be smooth.”…

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ExxonMobil’s Appeasement Strategy Backfires (Milloy has had enough)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 1, 2021 4 Comments

“The truly and deliberately evil men are a very small minority; it is the appeaser who unleashes them on mankind; it is the appeaser’s intellectual abdication that invites them to take over. When a culture’s dominant trend is geared to irrationality, the thugs win over the appeasers.”

“Moral cowardice is fear of upholding the good because it is good, and fear of opposing the evil because it is evil. The next step leads to opposing the good in order to appease evil, and rushing out to seek the evil’s favor.”

– Ayn Rand

ExxonMobil switched strategies from principle to appeasement early in the first term of President Obama. I have watched, step-by-step, a great corporation become mediocre for the first time in its storied history.

I long for Lee Raymond, who was honest and demanding–with impressive results for the shareholder, employees, consumers, and the national/international economy.…

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Deepwater Horizon at 11: Remember “Beyond Petroleum” BP

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 20, 2021 No Comments

“On the 11th anniversary of the BP blowout, the real takeaway is that oil companies that think they are ‘beyond petroleum’ are value destroyers for shareholders and for the environment.”

Every April commemorates BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill (April 10, 2010). To the anti-energy Left, Deepwater Horizon is the epitome of oil-gone-bad, coming some 21 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. It was not supposed to happen again, but ….

The sad facts of Deepwater Horizon will forever remain. The multiple failures behind the accident are also well documented. But a paradox remains. Mighty BP, captained by John Browne, the leading “environmentalist” of the petroleum industry created the corporate culture that resulted in lax safety and environmental protocols. By saving about $5 million out of $100+ million in drilling costs, the company ended up paying out in excess of $60 billion.…

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Going Honest on GHG Emissions: The Milloy Petition (and early success)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 16, 2021 1 Comment Continue Reading

WSJ vs. WSJ: A House Divided

By -- December 21, 2020 No Comments Continue Reading

Exxon’s Algae Dry Hole ($300 million greenwashing failure continuing)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 16, 2020 1 Comment Continue Reading

Chevron: Oil and Gas is the Future (greenwashing not)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 2, 2020 13 Comments Continue Reading

Harassing Energy: The Latest in Climate Litigation (EID’s Allison nails it)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 13, 2020 3 Comments Continue Reading

Plastics Appreciation Month!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 15, 2020 2 Comments Continue Reading