Market Environmentalists vs. Wind/Solar/Battery Industrialization, Sprawl

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 7, 2024 1 Comment

“These aforementioned groups and individuals are standing tall against the Climate Industrial Complex and Big Government Wind, Big Governmental Solar, Big Government Batteries, and the I-want-to-control-your-energy-life elitists. The real environmentalists speak from the grassroots, not from Washington, D.C.”

The article by Dave Anderson for the Energy and Policy Institute, (EPI), “Blocking Renewable Energy Is a Top State Legislative Priority for Network of Pro-Fossil Fuels Think Tanks,” lists the names of many organizations and individuals who should be applauded for their efforts to spare the living, green space from industrialization and energy sprawl.  

Dense energy is the most environmental, as pointed out by the late Peter Huber in Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists (New York: Basic Books, 1999):

The greenest fuels are the ones that contain the most energy per pound of material that must be mined, trucked, pumped, piped, and burnt.

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Enron and Greenpeace: An Exchange with Martin Porter

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 6, 2024 No Comments

“Enron was the ‘greens’ favorite company, remember? Enron, in the words of a Greenpeace ex, was ‘the company most responsible for sparking off the greenhouse civil war in the hydrocarbon business.'”

Greenpeace was a fan of “green” Enron in the old days. Today, a Greenpeace UK leader has been trying to debunk me, based on my prior association with Enron and Ken Lay. And it has backfired with him just like it backfired when Joe Romm of Climate Progress tried the same thing 15 years ago.

Here is our exchange. I report, you decide. My final comment follows.

Martin Porter: so, tell us what it was like working for one of the most corrupt companies in US history? Did you ever visit your old Enron boss in jail??!?

Porter: … Do you miss those Enron days Rob Bradley??!?…

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Alaska’s “Green” Plan B: Political Energy is Back

By -- March 5, 2024 2 Comments

“The prospect of Alaska becoming Germany energy-wise is a troubling concept to imagine. At least Germany had industry and an economy to destroy…. It’s up to us to elect common-sense realists instead of ideologues.”

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy’s plan for a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to mandate unreliable and costly sources of energy has stalled out, thanks to Jesse Bjorkman, Chair of the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee. But sinister private interests and ethically corrupt bureaucrats are out to force a Green New Deal on taxpayers and ratepayers under a new guise.

Governor Dunleavy has now teamed with the Alaskan House Energy Committee to push for an equally bad Clean Energy Standard (CES). Introduced February 20, House Bill 368 is titled “An Act relating to clean energy standards and a clean energy transferable tax credit; and providing an effective date.”…

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Energy & Environmental Review: March 4, 2024

By -- March 4, 2024 No Comments

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Unreliables (General):
*** US counties are blocking wind and solar energy: These maps, graphics show how
*** The American revolt against green energy has begun
*** Blackouts, Here We Come
Out Of Transmission Revisited
Planning for climate blackouts

Wind Energy:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
*** A Blow to Big Wind?
*** Hurricane Threats to Ocean Wind Turbines

Nuclear Energy:
*** U.S. Seeks to Boost Nuclear Power After Decades of Inertia
*** The Role of Nuclear in the Global World of Energy
*** On Radiation: Nuclear energy myths versus facts

Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** Biden liquefied natural gas export ‘pause’ hurts Americans and our allies
*** Chinese Control Over U.S.

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Electric Power vs. Green Goals

By Steve Goreham -- February 27, 2024 3 Comments Continue Reading

Just How Bad are EVs?

By -- February 26, 2024 10 Comments Continue Reading

Tomlinson on the Texas Grid Three Years Ago (prediction fail!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 23, 2024 5 Comments Continue Reading

Pokalsky, Borlick, Kiesling: Capacity Markets Now Essential in Texas (central planning rethink)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 22, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Electricity Expert/Planner ‘Shaken’ (Texas debacle shocks worldview)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 21, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

The Great Texas Blackout of 2021: Triumph of the Unreliables

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 20, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading