Renewables vs. Environment: Hans Wolkers humbles Climate Reality Project, Kahli Burke

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 18, 2024 1 Comment

“And this is just the beginning. Large-scale deployment of ‘renewables’ will result in an ecological disaster.” (Hans Wolkers, PhD., below)

Climate alarmists are having a hard time on the business social media giant LinkedIn. Previous posts have documented the one-sided alarmism of Skeptical Science; a case of climate thuggery; an ad hominem backfire; time-series data evasion; ExxonMobil “whistleblowing“; and Greenpeace and Enron.

It is time to add to this list. The Climate Reality Project posted this message and picture on LinkedIn:

We have a responsibility to lead the way in advocating for hashtag#cleanenergy and climate action. Together, we will create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. hashtag#LeadOnClimate hashtag#saveourplanet

I responded: “That child must wonder about industrializing the green space. Pretty gross….”…

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Energy & Environmental Review: April 15, 2024

By -- April 15, 2024 No Comments

This post excerpts energy and climate material from today’s Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** The True Cost of Wind and Solar
*** Wind/Solar/Alt-Energy Subsidies To Cost Federal Taxpayers $425 Billion Between Now And 2033 Short PragerU video: Why Are Utilities So Expensive?

Unreliables Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
*** 350± Studies: Effects of infrasound and low-frequency noise on mammals
Archived Study: Effects of low-frequency noise from wind turbines on heart rate variability in healthy individuals
Study: Impairment of the Endothelium and Disorder of Microcirculation in Humans and Animals Exposed to Infrasound due to Irregular Mechano-Transduction

Unreliables (General):
*** Backlash against wind and solar projects is real, it’s global and it’s growing
*** How Green Energy Makes Us Vulnerable to Cyberattack
Sample Report: CA Wind and Solar Curtailment April 09, 2024
Chart: Which US states generate the most solar and wind energy?

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Energy & Environmental Review: April 1, 2024

By -- April 1, 2024 No Comments

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Bloomberg: Wind and solar will need subsidies indefinitely
US revises tax credit rule to help offshore wind projects

Unreliables (General):
*** “I Was Wrong About Renewables,” Says Former Green Energy Executive
*** Renewables will destroy America’s lifestyle back to the pre-1800’s – this is the Biden energy plan
*** The Coming Electricity Crisis
It’s Hailing on the Climate Crisis Green Energy Parade
Polish Farmers Stage 600 Protests in a Day Against EU Crippling Green Policies

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Conservative groups sue to stop Dominion VA offshore wind project
     Wind Project Sued Over Claimed Threat to Whales
*** Dominion Energy’s absurd reply to CFACT’s whale protection lawsuit

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
*** Doctor: Infrasound From Wind Turbines Could Be ‘A Huge Threat to the Entire Biodiversity’
Can Wind Turbines Cause Developmental Deformities in Horses?

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 30, 2019

By -- September 30, 2019 3 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
Wind turbine infrasound articles became too hot for the Sierra Club to handle
Study: No significant reduction in infrasound damage until 9+ miles from wind turbines
Short video: RN Testifies About Apparent Local Turbine Health Consequences
Climate and the Money Trail
Climate change: the Hoax that Costs Us $4 Billion a Day
US Wind Developers Rush to Secure Tax Credits
Green Energy Policies (esp Wind Energy) That Kill Bats
Study: Bats dying due to wind farms
North American bird population has dropped by 3 billion (29%) since 1970

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 16, 2019

By -- September 16, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: July 29, 2019

By -- July 29, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: July 8, 2019

By -- July 8, 2019 4 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 17, 2019

By -- June 17, 2019 2 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 21, 2019

By -- January 21, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: December 17, 2018

By -- December 17, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading