“Is there anyone, literally ANYONE, who lives near one of these turbines who has publicly shared that their living experience near a wind turbine is “great”? Or even NOT significantly, negatively impacted?”
Hundreds of wind and solar projects in the U.S. have been delayed or blocked by effective grassroots opposition, according to Robert Bryce. Real environmentalists, the keepers of rural life, have every reason to complain against the government-enabled intrusion into their quiet lives: noise, flicker light, land degradation, lowered property values.
MasterResource has previously reported on the growing anti-wind zoning ordinance movement against industrial wind; the “avian mortality’ problem; and the on-the-ground work by such environmentalists as Kevon Martis; and the negative health effects. Solar projects are also attracting serious local opposition.
Add Larissa Plagge of Environmentalists Against Wind Turbines to the list of determined opponents of industrial wind.…
Continue Reading“The subsidies distort the energy market, and unless we can get that under control, the chance of ever lowering … or capping electrical rates for all Kansans will be impossible.”
“The estimated cost of decommissioning the current batch of turbines is around $4 Billion dollars. And with the expansion of solar facilities, the cost will be even higher. Who will pay for that? The state? The counties? The landowners? The wind companies? Nobody knows…”
The federal Production Tax Credit for industrial wind turbines (extended 13 times since 1992) gets much of the credit for birthing and expanding a wholly unnecessary, environmentally invasive industry. But state tax favors compound the distortion, turning uneconomic, inferior energies into profit-makers.
Here is the story of Kansas’s state property tax exemption for industrial wind turbines as told by Kansas Senator Mike Thompson (District 10).…
Continue Reading“Chris Tomlinson is financially conflicted, badly so, and over-the-top against Big Oil and the fossil-fuel industry writ large. Yet he has a happy home as the business editorialist at the Houston Chronicle. These are peculiar times of climate alarmism/forced energy transformation….”
What’s the latest from the oil and gas misanthrope Chris Tomlinson, business editorialist at the Houston Chronicle? The fellow that does not feel at the least conflicted swimming in taxpayer-enabled wind/solar monies inside his own abode (involving $2.0 billion and 2,000 MW)? [1]
Not much….
At CERAWeek 2022, Tomlinson was not listening to the (puppet) head of the U.S. Department of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, who stated:
… Continue ReadingWe are on a war footing—an emergency—and we have to responsibly increase short-term [oil and gas] supply…. And that means you producing more right now, where and if you can.