A Free-Market Energy Blog

Exit the Paris Climate Accord (Marlo Lewis on offense)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 13, 2022

Marlo Lewis, Jr. is a fellow you want to meet and spend time with. A Harvard University PhD., he has long been a voice of rationality in the climate debate from his home base of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). He is all around fun and plays swing mandolin in a band, Old Town Tradition.

Lewis recently proposedExpressing the Sense of Congress on the Paris Agreement” for serious debate now that Net Zero is fantastical. Global-government central climate planning must stop. No target should be set for carbon dioxide for reasons that are scientifically sensible and well articulated. Let the market decide with methane too, a market rich in pipeline capacity and end-user growth to naturally reduce natural gas release/flaring.

Lewis’s draft for Republicans and consumer-and-taxpayer-friendly Democrats follows:

Whereas the Paris Agreement is a global framework for pressuring U.S.…

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African Research on Solar Cycles: Science vs. Net Zero

By James Wanliss -- April 12, 2022

“Climate change is no hoax, because the climate always changes. Modest global warming might be beneficial for the globe. But not all climate change is beneficial. Cooling would be disastrous.”

“The American Geophysical Union … displays a diminishing interest in science, that is, in the disinterested pursuit of knowledge. Instead, it revels in an escalating interest in politics, including much talk about nebulous ideas like ‘environmental justice’ and mobilizing scientists to be ‘change agents.’

Since November 2020, the price of gasoline has steadily increased like a rising tide. A good portion of the pain at the pump that Americans, and people around the world, have felt, and increasingly feel, is due to enormous monetary expansion coupled with disastrous energy policies. The energy-price emergency began long before Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: April 11, 2022

By -- April 11, 2022

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
Voice of the people: Windmills are not worth the investment
California’s Sky-High Electricity Prices Bring A Shock To Biden’s EV Dreams
Wind turbine makers selling at a loss and in a ‘self-destructive loop’
FARM Act would halt subsidies for sacrificing farmland to the ‘green energy’ industry

Wind Energy:
*** Russian ‘Dark Money’ Funding ‘Green’ Groups in West
*** NextEra Wind pleads guilty of killing 150 eagles in US and is fined $8+ million
Misinformation is derailing renewable energy projects across the United States
Renewables: the pandemic of wishful thinking
Battery System Capital Costs, Energy Losses and Aging
By grossly exaggerating eagle population numbers our Government agencies have been lying for green energy
Wind Projects Rejected in California and Ohio

Solar Energy:
*** Push for solar energy risks funding Chinese genocide
US Commerce Dept Inquiry “Imperils” Solar Industry
Ukraine War Drives Up Cost of Wind, Solar Power
Lawsuit filed to stop construction of Delaware solar facility
At Least 40 Communities Have Rejected Big Solar Since 2021

Nuclear Energy:
*** Government in talks to build ‘hundreds’ of mini-nuclear reactors across UK
*** India To Build Nuclear Power Plants In “Fleet Mode” From 2023
*** Boris Johnson goes nuclear: PM plans SEVEN new reactors to boost UK’s energy self-reliance – but drops plans to double the number of wind turbines
*** Britain bets on nuclear power in its plan to boost energy independence
*** Short video: Is Nuclear Power Green?

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Tribulations of a Climate Activist: Farhana Yamin in Search and Dissent

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 8, 2022
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Natural Gas for Africa: Ready, Set, Go!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 7, 2022
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The Many Benefits of Rising Atmospheric CO2 — An Introduction

By -- April 6, 2022
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MasterResource: New Principals Joining In

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 5, 2022
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Joe Biden: Please Remember Obama’s Oil Moment (affordable energy for the masses)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 4, 2022
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U.S. Treasury’s “Climate Hub” (on the road to serfdom)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 1, 2022
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Amy Myers Jaffe Disses Oil, Gas, and Houston

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 31, 2022
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