Ed. This piece is adapted from a LinkedIn post by Steve Everley, a communications advisor in the field of energy.
A study last month generated some scary headlines about the supposed “health risks” of your gas stove – an appliance that most homeowners prefer (and for good reason).
If you were frightened, take a deep breath. You were misled.
First of all, the headlines that the study generated were alarming. Things like:
“Gas stoves are a threat to health and have larger climate impact than previously known, study shows” (CNN)
“Gas stoves in kitchens pose a risk to public health and the planet, research finds” (Washington Post)
“Stanford scientists find the climate and health impacts of natural gas stoves are greater than previously thought” (official release)
But it gets worse.…
Continue Reading“The [Michigan] ordinances cite the potential negative consequences of wind turbines such as falling ice thrown by the blades of turbines, the flickering of shadows from the blades on nearby structures (shadow flicker), sleep disturbance caused by noise, and long-term health consequences of sound, also known as ‘infrasound’.”
When it comes to government-enabled, anti-consumer energy sprawl, local citizens have a say over unneeded, duplicative, invasive industrial wind projects. This is very bad news for the rickety supply-side strategy led by industrial wind. Real grassroot environmentalists are at war with Washington, D.C. Big Environmentalism, as well as the business rent-seekers making Bad Profit (as versus Good Profit).
The Progressive Left includes the pro-wind “investigative Watchdog Blog” Checks & Balances Project. Their “As Anti-Wind Zoning Ordinances Spread Across Michigan, Ordinances’ Language Varies Little” (November 10, 2021) recently reported on the growing movement against wind-turbine siting in a factual, lawyers-need-to-know basis.…
Continue Reading“Funny thing, nuclear opponents turn free market when they complain that the technology is too expensive. And they double their double-standard when it is complained that new nuclear is too dependent on government subsidies to be sustainable.”
The debate over the role of nuclear power is running hot. But from a climate alarmists’ perspective, is nuclear the answer or a false solution?
A recent entry in the squabble comes from four nuclear-related specialists [1], which was published by POWER magazine, “Former Nuclear Leaders: Say ‘No’ to New Reactors.”
Free Market View
Before delving into the “No” statement, a classical liberal view of nuclear power in the energy mix can be presented.
From a technological perspective, nuclear power is the one scalable option for mass zero-carbon emissions.…
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