Coal: "Externalities" Can be Positive, Not Only Negative

By Chip Knappenberger -- March 7, 2011 21 Comments

A new study from the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard Medical School, Full Cost Accounting for the Life Cycle of Coal, estimates that the negative externalities of coal-fired electricity generation are two-to-three times as great as the actual price of the electricity itself. Wow–so much for the cheap price of electricity from coal itself being a social good. And forget that decades of ever more stringent air and water regulation has internalized the so-called social cost of coal-fired power plants. And forget that carbon dioxide (CO2) has positives, not only negatives, for the biosphere.

So forgetting all this, and taking the report’s analytics at face value, it is concluded that the FULL COST of coal makes “wind, solar, and other forms of nonfossil fuel power generation … economically competitive.”…

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Dear EPA: Why is Wind Okay and Shale Gas Not?

By -- March 2, 2011 11 Comments

Remember all this? America is running out of natural gas. Prices will soar, making imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) and T. Boone Pickens’ wind farm plan practical, affordable and inevitable. Well, reality intervened. We are having an energy transformation, but just the opposite of what the non-market energy planners predicted.

Shale Gas Revolution

Barely two years later, America (and the world) are tapping vast, previously undreamed-of energy riches – as drillers discover how to produce gas from shale, coal and tight sandstone formations, at reasonable cost. They do it by pumping a water, sand and proprietary chemical mixture into rocks under very high pressure, fracturing or “fracking” the formations, and keeping the cracks open, to yield trapped methane.

Within a year, U.S. recoverable shale gas reserves alone rose from 340 trillion cubic feet to 823 tcf, the Energy Department estimates.…

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Ontario's Wind Moratorium: Public Discontent Sends a Global Message to Government-Dependent Energy (and energy sprawl)

By Sherri Lange -- March 1, 2011 4 Comments

“Truth is tough.  It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch, nay, you may kick it all about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening.”

~Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Professor at the Breakfast Table

 Something big just happened in Ontario–something the Wind Lobby fears. Recently, Minister of the Environment John Wilkinson held fast to what had been a “for now” moratorium policy where tough talk about environment-before-wind was followed by turbine contracts and business-as-usual wind development.

It is about time for a change. Rural Ontarians are mad about wind development, as are Lakeside communities, fishermen, and boaters.

Indeed, Ontario is about as fed up as a province can be with a laundry list of discontent ranging from 1) increased hydro bills and announced electricity rate hikes of 40% in the next years; 2) a tax-grab ‘Harmonized Sales Tax’ and 3) a Green Energy Act, which took away Municipal rights to project planning and superseded other environmental legislation.…

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Subsoil Privatization for Energy Sustainability (Is Middle Eastern unrest the first step?)

By Guillermo Yeatts -- February 21, 2011 No Comments

[This post by Guillermo “Billy” Yeatts (see profile at the end of the post) originally appeared at MasterResource on April 30, 2010. It is reprinted in response to the move of the Middle East toward more open, democratic, and modern societies. Can private ownership of oil and gas assets be far beyond?]

The history of oil and gas production in Latin America has been characterized by a continuing tug of war between the state as owner of the subsurface (Spanish colonial tradition) and private producers in pursuit of profits. Private participation in the industry has been limited to brief periods and restricted to specific phases of oil and gas production.

The typical pattern is that foreign oil and gas companies are allowed into a country to locate and initiate production.…

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'Losing the Future' via Government Jobs: FDR's New Deal; Obama's New New Deal

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 18, 2011 4 Comments Continue Reading

Unconventional Gas Riles and Refigures the World Energy Market: North America (Part I)

By Donald Hertzmark -- February 16, 2011 9 Comments Continue Reading

Texas Power Outages: A Preliminary Analysis (Cold snap brings failure–isolated ERCOT an issue)

By Michael Giberson -- February 4, 2011 20 Comments Continue Reading

80% "Clean" Energy by 2035: What Does This Mean?

By Ken Kok -- February 3, 2011 27 Comments Continue Reading

Green Enron (Part IV Interview with Robert L. Bradley Jr.)

By -- January 28, 2011 4 Comments Continue Reading

Windpower Emissions: Kleekamp Critique (Part III – Cost of Wind and Nuclear Plants)

By Kent Hawkins -- January 26, 2011 11 Comments Continue Reading