A Free-Market Energy Blog

A Free-Market Energy Letter to Biden (Americans for Prosperity)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 16, 2022

“As our grassroots activists would attest, the current energy crisis demands a radical rethinking of the administration’s current energy policy. Higher energy costs will soon ripple through the economy and increase the price of nearly everything Americans buy.” (AFP)

“The government should burn its ‘club in the closet.’ It is disingenuous to believe that smiling Biden, Kerry, Granholm, Regan, Haaland, et al. have any intention but harming the fossil-fuel industries they are pretending to like in a desperate political hour.” (RLB)

People want affordable, reliable, accessible energy now and in the future. They do not want expensive, unreliable, government-chosen energies.

This simple energy-for-the-masses message was reiterated in a recent letter from Brent Gardner, Chief Government Affairs Officer, Americans for Prosperity, to President Biden.

AFP is a 50-state multi-issue grassroot organization composed of “millions of voices across the country united by the principles articulated in the Declaration of Independence, who are committed to empowering every American to realize their American Dream and move our country forward together.”…

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Pro-Production Energy Politics: Check Your Premises

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 15, 2022

“This letter to Biden is a very mixed bag of legalize and subsidize. It is hardly free market; it is a testament about how some Republicans and conservative Democrats are playing the government welfare game in a time of political defensiveness.”

Classical liberalism explains and justifies voluntary transactions between consenting adults. The framework is private property rights, the rule of law, and government abstinence, or neutrality.

Applied to civilian energy, the government should not research, commercialize, subsidize, or penalize. Government should buy energy for its usage, not requisition it. Market transactions should not be subject to price controls, allocation controls, or differential taxation. Jawboning by government officials toward non-market ends should be avoided too.

This background is necessary to parse a March 10, 2022, letter to Joe Biden from two Republicans, one (Trumpian) Democrat, and one Independent.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: March 14, 2022

By -- March 14, 2022

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Why “cheap” solar increases the price of power
Battery System Capital Costs, Losses and Aging

Wind Energy:
*** The shell game methodology behind America’s reported wind energy production
*** Changes to the regulation of wind turbine noise (Australia)
Do wind turbines change the weather? (See also here.)
Satellite outage knocks out thousands of wind turbines
Dominion’s deception hits new high with offshore wind

Solar Energy:
Brussels, we have a land problem
One of this year’s biggest Virginia solar bills is all about forests and farms
Duke’s proposed Net Metering 2.0 rule change in North Carolina meets opposition

Nuclear Energy:
*** Nuclear, coal, gas: ‘no taboos’ in Germany’s energy about-face
America’s Energy Future: Oil, Natural Gas and Nuclear
Belgian Greens make U-turn to consider nuclear plants extension

Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** Climate Act War on Fossil Fuels Based on Enviro Fairy Tales
*** Recent USGS oil and gas estimate for the Bakken and Three Forks Formations in the Williston Basin of Montana and North Dakota
*** Peer-Reviewed Study: ‘Climate Impacts’ of Fossil Fuels in Today’s Energy Systems
Fossil Fuels Should Evoke Pride, Not Pandering, From Supporters
Biden Continues To Flip-Flop On Crude Oil Policies – OpEd
US Oil and Petroleum Imports from Russia Explained
Why Is New England Paying The Equivalent Of $180 Oil For Natural Gas?

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‘Climate Alarmism and Corporate Responsibility’ (2000 essay for today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 11, 2022
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Flat Warming vs. Joe Romm’s September 2017 Alarm

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 10, 2022
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Biden Wars Against Domestic LNG (gas-by-rail)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 9, 2022
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Solar Power Noise and Dust: For the Record

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 8, 2022
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Energy and Environmental Review: March 7, 2022

By -- March 7, 2022
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NYT Tiptoes Toward Energy Reality (“this debate is changing”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 4, 2022
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Republican Letter to Biden: Free Market Energy Ready to Rescue!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 3, 2022
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