“Where are the true environmentalists in this debate? Sierra Club …. Natural Resources Defense Council? The bird groups are even suing on aviation mortality issues.”
America’s green energy push has been going on for decades. It never sleeps. And it is both anti-environmental and corrupt.
I have been writing about industrial wind’s “avian mortality” problem in California for years (see here and here). Particular carnage has been documented by the California Energy Commission at Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area. It has gotten so bad that the National Audubon Society recently filed suit against a proposed 80 MW wind facility there.
With biased research and imaginary population estimates, Big Wind wants to increase its bald eagle “take” in America. The previous limit set in 2016 was 4,200 bald eagles annually; Biden’s Department of Interior proposes to almost quadruple this to 15,832.…
Continue Reading“Given the increasing normalization of solar geoengineering research, a strong political message to block these technologies is required. An International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering is needed now.”
“The speculative possibility of future solar geoengineering risks becoming a powerful argument for industry lobbyists, climate denialists, and some governments to delay decarbonization policies.”
It is hard being green. Battling against energy density in the age of high-energy civilization is a set-up for failure so long as citizen-voters have a say. People want reliable, affordable energy. And poor people without modern energy want and need it the most. That means oil, gas, and coal–not wind, solar, and batteries.
Those wedded to climate alarmism/forced energy transformation are in a desperate hour. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 was ignored and died.…
Continue ReadingEd. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
*** The green industrial revolution is a lie
*** Wind farms were paid not to generate HALF their potential electricity
Wind Energy:
*** Limits to Green Energy Are Becoming Much Clearer
*** America’s Power Grid Is Increasingly Unreliable
The stampede of green lemmings
Wind Energy Developer Compares Opponents To Hitler And The Holocaust
Offshore Wind Power Has a Long Way to Go in America
One Year After Texas Blackouts, ERCOT Expects Massive Increase in Solar and Wind Capacity
Lies My Wind Developer Told Me
Solar Energy:
Large Western NY Solar Project In Planning Stages
China Extracts Yet Another Favor from Biden to Sell Us Solar
Spain’s Solar Energy Crisis: 62,000 People Bankrupt After Investing in Solar Panels
Wind and Solar expansion is a threat to biodiversity — but by how much?…