The Not Given State of the Union Address (Freedom 101 over ‘the road to serfdom’)

By Richard Ebeling -- January 29, 2014 1 Comment

[Last night, President Obama did not deviate from his interventionist, centralist approach to governing America, including with energy policy. This post reverses the mindset to a speech with a free-market, classical-liberal President at the podium.]

“My fellow Americans, I come before you tonight to deliver my sixth State of the Union address at a time of continuing economic disappointment and social uncertainty across our great nation.

“I have spoken to you more than once about the country’s need for ‘hope and change.’ I have tried to begin that process over the first five years of my presidency. But I now realize that I had been looking in the wrong direction for that new and better America.

“Not long ago, while looking under my bed in the White House for the terrorists that the NSA assures me are everywhere and against whom they must surveillance each and every one of you to keep you safe, I found some books that must have been left there by former President Ronald Reagan.

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Milton Friedman on the Energy Crisis (and ObamaCare to come)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 31, 2013 5 Comments

July 31st is the birth date of one of the great intellectuals of the freedom philosophy. Milton Friedman (1912–2006) would have been 101 today.

Friedman Legacy Day is being celebrated at 144 events: 90 in 44 states and Washington,D.C., and 54 events in 25 countries abroad. Here in Houston, a “Milton Friedman Rocks” party is tonight.

Friedman was more than a technical economist and early Nobel Laureate in this field; he was a popularizer of the case for free markets. His shorter tracts and biweekly column for Newsweek covered a variety of in-the-news issues, including energy. And he became more libertarian and appreciative of Austrian School economics (market-process economics), the rival to his Chicago School of economics, as time went on.

Friedman’s insight into the distortions from government intervention shortages are timeless.

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The Free Market Energy Movement: Strong Theory, Rich History, Real-World Momentum

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 7, 2013 1 Comment

“It’s not unlawful to run an ad hominem presidency. It’s merely shameful. The great rhetorical specialty of this president has been his unrelenting attribution of bad faith to those who disagree with him. He acts on principle; they from the basest of instincts.”

– Charles Krauthammer, “There’s a Fly in My Soup,” Washington Post, May 23, 2013.

The alarmist/statist side of the energy/environmental debate is losing intellectually and now politically. The agenda of inferior energies simply cannot stand up to a combination of analytic failure, government failure, and real-world realities. The oil and gas boom … the cessation of global warming; improving air and water quality … alternative energy busts ….

And as the alarmists have become ever more argumentative and shrill, even (former) allies and sympathizers are seeing a quasi-religious, nonintellectual, even ugly aspect to the Climate Progress view of the world.…

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Pickens Plan III: More Retreat but Still Errant (SPR oil for nat gas)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 14, 2013 3 Comments

When it comes to energy, T. Boone Pickens esteems government planning. When asked about President Obama’s recent proposal for an Energy Security Trust, Pickens responded:

That starts to talk about a plan. He’s going to fund something to start something…. Make a plan … and do something different.

And low and behold, Pickens is crusading with yet another energy plan, his third in the last six years. As before, his animus is against Big Oil (see Appendix) and his fondness for personal dollars.

Pickens Plan III proposes that the federal government sell oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to jump-start the costly transition from oil to natural gas to fuel transportation. We don’t know the details yet, but T. Boone in March began pushing his new plan in the national media and local press.…

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Dow Chemical (et al) vs. LNG Exports: An Intellectual, Political Embarrassment for Business

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 25, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

A Federal Energy Board? (Hofmeister’s Idea Is Old, Bad)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 4, 2013 8 Comments Continue Reading

Robber Barony: Obama Energy Policy By Another Name

By -- December 20, 2012 4 Comments Continue Reading

Eighty-Eight to Congress: 'Let the Wind PTC Expire!' (challenging Big Wind, Big Government, and Big Environmentalism)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 14, 2012 No Comments Continue Reading

'Trends Can Change' (Mises): The Context (Part II)

By Richard Ebeling -- November 13, 2012 2 Comments Continue Reading

The Production Tax Credit: Just the Facts

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 9, 2012 4 Comments Continue Reading