Energy & Environmental Newsletter: November 25, 2019

By -- November 25, 2019 4 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
NYS Health Board advocates 1.5 setbacks and 35 dBA noise limits
Short video: True Costs of Renewables – the Texas Lesson
When wind turbines die, the problems are just beginning
10 Times the Wind Industry Claimed it Supported Ending Its Tax Credits
The NY Governor’s well paid wind-power liars
Wind ‘on its knees’ as profits vanish, says industry pioneer
Weighing the Cost of Offshore Wind
Wind Turbines – Why the FAA Fails to Ensure Air Safety
Dangerous Impact of Wind Turbines on Radar
Top GE engineer lifts lid on wind turbine collapse probe findings
Solar Panels Produce Tons of Toxic Waste—Literally
Russia’s opportunistic partnership with Africa
NYS Governor Needs to Stop Pandering to Environmentalists
Restore Electricity Market Integrity to Ensure Grid Reliability
Report: Energy Utopias and Engineering Reality
Military Opposes Proposed Pennsylvania Wind Project
The Fossil Fuel Dilemma
Response to proposed US GREEN energy act

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Energy Progress: Trump Remarks at the New York Economic Club (November 12, 2019)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 18, 2019 1 Comment

“My order required that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. But instead of two for one, we have now eliminated nine for one. And we think that, within the next six months, it will be close to twenty for one instead of two for one.”

“[The Paris Climate Accord] is so unfair. It doesn’t kick in for China until 2030. Russia goes back into the 1990s, where the base year was the dirtiest year ever in the world. India, we are supposed to pay them money because they are a developing nation. I said, ‘We’re a developing nation, too.'”

Last week, President Trump delivered a pro-energy speech at the Economic Club of New York in New York City. There was a lot of applause and laughter from the well-heeled, left-of-center audience.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: November 11, 2019

By -- November 11, 2019 4 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
Everything You Hear About Billion-Dollar Disasters Is Wrong
Wind turbines don’t lead to a windfall
Perpetual Infants: $100 Billion in Subsidies and US Wind & Solar Want More
NY State blows smoke to hide wind costs
California Subsidizes Natural Gas Plants to Prevent Widespread Blackouts
The Electric Car Fantasy
Germany stipulates turbine setbacks to be 3300± feet
Conventional Wind Energy – A Design Deadly for Birds
Inherit The Wind
PUC’s Former Lawyer Says Approval Of Hawaii Wind Project Violated Law
First-of-a-kind U.S.

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Trump on the American Energy Revolution (9th Annual Shale Insight Conference, Pittsburgh)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 29, 2019 1 Comment

“Energy was just the first step in so many other ways. But without energy, it all doesn’t happen.”

“… we’re at a very, very good point environmentally right now.”

“Anti-energy zealots are blinded by ideology. Democrats want to ban shale energy, but shale energy has reduced America’s carbon emissions by 527 million metric tons per year. So what are they doing? A much better record than the European Union, which is always telling us how to do it. We should be telling them how to do it, based on our economy.”

“And congratulations to all of you, our great energy people, for what you’ve been able to accomplish, especially in the last three years…. [T]he path to that future starts right here in shale country, with all of you — the proud patriots of Pennsylvania and Ohio and West Virginia.”

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: October 28, 2019

By -- October 28, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading

Robert Hunter Biden: Energy Search (request for information)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 23, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading

New Oil & Gas Drilling: A Schematic (‘Time for Tiramisu’)

By Jim Scherrer -- September 17, 2019 4 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 29, 2019

By -- August 29, 2019 4 Comments Continue Reading

‘America’s Energy Dominance and Manufacturing Revival’ (Trump Remarks, August 13, 2019)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 19, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading

James E. Rogers (1947-2018): Political Capitalist

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 18, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading