LEEDCo Lake Erie Wind Project: Joint Letter of Protest

By Sherri Lange -- April 11, 2014 17 Comments

“We ask that you deny any permit to LEEDCo for siting of 6-9 turbines in Lake Erie…. Sadly, it is extremely easy to refute and challenge the environmental guidance this project is putting before you. It is disappointing that this project has progressed even thus far.”

Many groups and individuals from OHIO and Canada and Europe, who care deeply about wildlife, birds, bats and habitat, have been communicating their concerns with the LEEDCo “Incubator” project proposed for 6-9 industrial wind turbines off the shores of Cleveland.

The signatories to this letter represent only a fraction of the sentiment about this proposed improper placement and immature concept of industrializing what is part of 20% of the world’s remaining fresh water reserves.

International Perspective: Ontario, Canada, has in place a precautionary PROVINCIAL offshore moratorium, and four others from Ajax, Pickering, Council of Scarborough, and the largest Conservation body in the province, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA).…

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Testimony Against Industrial Wind Power (Kevon Martis before the Ohio Senate and House Public Utilities Committees)

By Kevon Martis -- January 8, 2014 2 Comments

“The world of wind energy lobbyists, developers, and their ‘environmental group’ advocates is one in which up is down, black is white, loud is quiet, double talk is the lingua franca, and the U.S. Constitution does not apply.”

Testimony of Kevon Martis Concerning Sub. SB 58 & HN 302, Ohio Senate and House Public Utilities Committees, November 13, 2013.

I would like to thank the committee for this opportunity to testify today. I have a BA in History from the University of Michigan. I have also served as the vice-chairman of the Riga Township planning commission as well as the vice-chairman of the Lenawee County Rural Land Use Committee. I lecture widely across the Michigan on wind-energy zoning matters. I have testified before the Michigan House Energy and Tech committee on energy policy and am a resource for legislators from both sides of the aisle.

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Speaking Truth to Wind Power (Recent IER Panel on the Hill)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 7, 2014 9 Comments

“Here’s to a post-PTC world. One where, in Lisa Linowes words, ‘the industry shifts their business plans away from those based on tax avoidance to plans based on energy production’.”

Last month, the Institute for Energy Research (IER) held a policy luncheon on Capitol Hill to discuss the problems of wind power in light of the debate about whether to extend the long-standing (1992–) production tax credit (PTC). The event highlighted a new IER study calculating the “taker” and “payer” states from the PTC, Estimating the State-Level Impact of Federal Wind Energy.

I moderated the panel. Panelists included Travis Fisher (IER) and three leading grassroots activists: Lisa Linowes of New Hampshire, Tom Stacey from Ohio, and Kevon Martis of Michigan. Lisa, Tom, and Kevon are wind-power experts whose volunteer work is inspired by the economic waste and wholly unnecessary degradation of rural life.

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Windaction News Issue: November 6, 2013

By -- November 6, 2013 No Comments

News and information from
The WindAction Group

facts, analysis, exposure of industrial wind energy’s real impacts –

Recent Articles

County looks at moratorium for large energy projects

(6 Nov) California – County Supervisor Jim Spering on Monday supported having a moratorium on the large, green energy projects. The county is concerned about preserving the base’s ability to operate. It has a responsibility to preserve the base’s mission, he said. MORE

Iberdrola may lose permit to operate Groton Wind Farm


(5 Nov) New Hampshire – The New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee (‘SEC’) has announced hearings to determine whether to suspend and revoke the Certificate of Site and Facility granted Groton Wind LLC. MORE

Energy Referendum: Public buy-back of Berlin grid fails

(4 Nov) Germany – The nationwide Energiewende, which has required the expansion of infrastructure and the construction of new wind farms, has resulted in steeply rising costs with, thus far, questionable environmental advantages.

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Windaction News Issue: October 9, 2013

By -- October 9, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Windfarm Mortality: Environmental Disinformation, Ecodamage

By Mark Duchamp -- September 26, 2013 14 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: September 25, 2013

By -- September 25, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

New York Wind Wars: Hiding the Facts (PTC allows Invenergy to desecrate)

By Mary Kay Barton -- September 12, 2013 16 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: September 11, 2013

By -- September 11, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Dear New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers: Back Off Windpower for a Better Environment! (Part I)

By Annette Smith -- September 9, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading