Irina Slav: “From arrogance to insanity: the EU path”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 26, 2022 1 Comment

“The problem is in details such as costs, energy density and, as always, reliability. But nobody in Brussels and national capitals seems to care about petty details. The political EU is firmly in “Whatever it takes” mode and we’re all footing the bill.”

Irina Slav is a voice speaking truth to power. Her posts and opinion pieces at deserve reading and study.

One of her recent posts called out the perilous double-down-on-failure approach of the EU (and UK) on energy policy. It says much about the sorry state of energy thinking that environmentalists greenwash and complain about energy companies greenwashing. Climate alarmists/forced energy transformationists treat good news as bad in their religious compunction to rail against modern living and prosperity.

Her article follows.

The feeling of being right about something should be a pleasant one.…

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More on ‘Greenwashing’: The Alarmists’ Policy Alarm

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 25, 2022 No Comments

“The biggest risk to progress in responsible investment right now is greenwashing. It’s a bigger danger than skepticism, it’s a bigger danger than denialism. Greenwashing is so dangerous because it destroys trust.” (- Dan Mikulskis, below)

Declaring war on the most abundant, reliable, convenient energies has predictably brought forth gaming and hyperbole in the quest of corporations to be “woke,” yet serve consumers and stockholders.

Enter “greenwashing” by business firms, which Paul Watchman defined as including carbon offsets, carbon capture, distant promises, and fickle support for Net Zero and like programs.

The climate alarmists and forced energy transformationists are alarmed. The world is going the other way as evidenced by a global boom in oil, natural gas/LNG, and coal.

The ‘this might hurt a bit’ verdict from Dan Mikulskis follows:

Ok this might hurt a bit.…

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Is Caroline Dennett Greenwashing Too? (dissing Shell for fame and fortune)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 24, 2022 2 Comments

I could not help but notice that Ms. Dennett is well appointed. I wonder what she would look like without oil-based products like clothing, even makeup? What would her house look like without oil and gas-based products? What would the pharmacy down the street be like?

Here is the news: a contractor in a very public way ends her relationship with an oil and gas company to help save the world.

The good news? She did not glue herself to the Shell Building in protest. She is not on a hunger strike, or worse.

The bad news? She thinks all oil and gas activity should cease for human betterment. She sees herself as some sort of a heroine, which is in itself greenwashing if she travels and lives a nice lifestyle.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: May 23, 2022

By -- May 23, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** ‘Green’ Energy Doesn’t Save Money, It’s 4 to 6 Times MORE Expensive
*** Total Failure: Britain’s Grand ‘Cheap’ Wind Power Plan Faces Total Collapse
*** RECs: The Hidden Costs of Renewables
Wind turbine makers selling at a loss and in a ‘self-destructive loop’, bosses admit
Ontario’s Industrial Wind Turbines dig Deep into Ratepayer’s & Taxpayer’s Pockets
NY Electricity prices to rise 12 percent this summer, say analysts

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
*** Plagued by wind turbine noise in Massachusetts
*** Unintended consequence: Turbines are impacting the health of nearby residents
*** Biologist’s presentation shows deadly impact of wind power on eagles

Renewables (General):
*** China and Russia rejoice at America’s quest to go green
*** Real Threats to Biodiversity and Humanity
Despicable for Biden to put green agenda ahead of American families’ economies
Renewable Energy, Open Space, and Agriculture – New York Can’t Have it All

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** US Offshore Wind Jobs are Highly Exaggerated
Long Island (NY) Residents Sue to Stop Offshore Wind Cable
Danish Wind Giant Tries Solution for Cable Problem Affecting Offshore Turbines
Residents Protest Lake Erie Wind Energy Project

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Hundreds show up in opposition of proposed Nebraska wind project
*** Wind project opponents celebrate Ohio commissioners’ vote
Kansas Commissioners take steps to protect county as wind energy topic heats up
Middleburgh NY Residents Against Industrial Wind Turbines
Shasta County CA close to a complete ban on all large wind energy projects

Nuclear Energy:
*** I’m committed to the effort to keep California’s Nuclear facility open.

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“Negative Electricity Prices and the Production Tax Credit” (2012 warning for Texas went unheeded)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 17, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Watchman on ‘Greenwashing’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 16, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Bird Migration Day: Dim the Lights … or Turn Off the Turbines?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 13, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: May 9, 2022

By -- May 9, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Africa Wants Oil and Gas: Not UN/COP Poverty

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 2, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Tomlinson’s Beef against Beef (Houston Chronicle editorialist says we’re irrational)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 29, 2022 4 Comments Continue Reading