Climate/Energy Statism: An Inside Conversation (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 3, 2018 1 Comment

“A carbon tax is not simple either, especially when you start talking about how the revenue will be distributed. … Yes, there would be a food fight over the revenue….”

Antonia Herzog, Natural Resources Defense Council

“I wish I could tell you that Republican offices have approached us and said, ‘Thank you for doing this, we are ready to talk about it’…. [F]rankly Senators Schatz and Whitehouse are two of the more liberal members of the Senate.”

There is also concern from the left that those conversations [with Republicans] could lead to eradication of EPA authority or at least a moratorium on EPA authority, which leaves some folks nervous….”

– Michael Obetter, Office of Sen. Brian Schatz

“I find these meetings extremely productive and helpful. They have influenced my thinking in how best to go about what I want to accomplish in the House and Senate with the GOP.

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Climate/Energy Statism: An Inside Conversation (Part I: pre-Trump plans that went awry)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 2, 2018 1 Comment

“Over the last year or so, I have tried to advise the progressive community that we should be open-minded about a carbon tax.”

Greg Dotson, Center for American Progress

“The bottom line here is that the distributional effect of a carbon tax could really be anything you want, depending on how you use the revenues. We think it is shortsighted to only think of the direct effect of the tax.”

– Eric Toder, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center

“[Trump] … is going to be utterly decimated in November….  Then the question is, what does that do to the Tea Party? …. Is the Tea Party really something to fear now, after a decimation in November? 

– Jerry Taylor, Niskanen Center

It is rare that one gets to follow the talk and reasoning of climate/energy alarmists/activists.

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Paris Lives! “Deep Decarbonization” at DOE

By -- June 28, 2018 5 Comments

“EERE’s mission for a ‘transition to a global clean energy economy’ is simply a restatement of the UN’s global ‘deep decarbonization’ strategy via ‘beneficial electrification’.”

“‘Clean energy’ should be part of an all-the-above energy policy (when it fairly competes with all other viable alternatives). However, ‘clean energy’ advocates (including electric utilities) don’t want all-the-above: Instead, they want an all-electric energy monoculture and are willing to wager our futures that it won’t ruin the economy.”

Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion include: Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. This article examines that force within the “swamp” of climate change policies in DOE.

Despite President Trump’s announcement that the U.S. would withdraw for the Paris Agreement, the basis of that agreement–“deep decarbonization” through “beneficial electrification”–is proceeding virtually unabated.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 18, 2018

By -- June 18, 2018 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Retail Electricity Prices for sample countries

Wind Turbines Threaten Property Values in Upstate NY

Billions in U.S. solar projects shelved after Trump panel tariff

Texas Wind Power Story — Part One

Sound (and Light) Reasons to Tilt at Windmills

Judge’s ruling against Minnesota wind farm causes alarm for advocates

The Observed Impacts of Wind Turbines on Local Vegetation Growth

Essay: Wind Energy Illusions

Archive: Wind and Solar have a Secret Friend — Gas

Wind Developer ordered to buy out Minnesota homeowners

Being “Green” is Easy — Ignore the Facts

Taking aim at the real polluters: some US Environmental Groups

Newly Elected Ontario Premier’s encouraging Statement on Wind Energy

New Texas Wind Project Could Interfere with Radars

Environmentalists don’t support nuclear — as there is no money in it

How North Korea Has Weaponized Electricity

EPA Celebrates 500 Days of American Greatness

Fellows of the Royal Geological Society pushback over climate position

The Rise of Political Correctness

The Corruption of Science

Identity Politics Undermining Science

A Different War of Attrition

Americans Served Badly by a Religion that has Run Its Course

Ten Religious Reasons Against Climate Change

Steve Milloy doesn’t like ‘climate bed wetters’

Three Climate Change Questions Answered


Greed Energy Economics:

Retail Electricity Prices for sample countries

Wind Turbines Threaten Property Values in Upstate NY

Billions in U.S.

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Alarmist Holdren on Trump’s Paris Withdrawal (no, the sky isn’t falling)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 6, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 4, 2018

By -- June 4, 2018 2 Comments Continue Reading

CO2 Positive: Europe is Losing its Contrived War

By -- May 30, 2018 6 Comments Continue Reading

Estimating Costs of Deep Decarbonization (California and beyond)

By -- May 22, 2018 5 Comments Continue Reading

Canadian CO2 Taxation: Costlier and Costlier

By Kenneth P. Green -- May 21, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

Installed Wind Capacity: The Rest of the Story

By Donn Dears -- May 16, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading