DeSmog on Vaclav Smil (this deep thinker is largely correct)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 28, 2022 2 Comments

“In a profile in Science magazine, [Vaclav] Smil constructed his own models of how carbon dioxide emissions might affect climate and found it ‘wanting.’ ‘I have too much respect for reality,’ Smil said.” (DeSmog, below)

I have previously highlighted DeSmog pieces on climate and energy realists to show that simply imparting the subject’s views create good analysis. DeSmog might think they are prima facie hit pieces, but they are the opposite! Back door justice, perhaps….

Note the guilty-as-charged profiles on Robert Bryce, Isaac Orr, Derrick Hollie, John Christy, and myself. Same for DeSmog’s analysis on the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

DeSmog has done so many profiles that it looks like we are in the majority. And in a sense we are! The public is not buying climate catastrophe (yawn), certainly not in paying more for energy.…

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“A Promise Kept: Biden’s War on American Energy”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 26, 2022 3 Comments

“Presidential politics and tone are important to the investment health of consumer-driven, taxpayer-neutral energies. Biden campaigned against–and continues to demean–the very energies the America needs.”

Some policy statements and summaries are valuable for the historical record. The Republican review below highlighting Biden oil policies relative to gasoline prices is worth studying and memorializing.

Presidential politics and tone are important to the investment health of consumer-driven, taxpayer-neutral energies. Biden campaigned against the very energies the America needs, including those of motorists and other consumers of transportation fuel. Ditto for natural gas. Ditto for coal in the generation of electricity.

It is past time for the oil, gas, and coal industries to wise up and stop trying to appease the radical left. It is past time for Democrats to become the party of the working class.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: April 25, 2022

By -- April 25, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** It’s time for transparency of the embedded costs of going “green”
*** The Coming Green-Energy Inflation
*** EPA used COVID-19 relief funds for grants promoting green infrastructure
Renewable energy prices soar as Ukraine war is the ‘last straw’ for the sector
North American renewable energy prices skyrocket nearly 30% in one year, threatening corporate and federal net zero ambitions
Report: The Cost of Green Levies

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
We Are Massacring Birds to Slow Climate Change. It’s Got to Stop
Green Energy’s Hidden Eagle Slaughter
Spain’s Wind Industry Slaughters Thousands of Endangered Birds With Impunity
Blood on the blades!

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Nothing Here? AWEA/ACPA on Altamont Pass’s Golden Eagle Carnage in 2011

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 20, 2022 No Comments

The recent action of the U.S. Department of Justice against a major wind developer for ‘takings’ of golden eagles, as well as the tip-of-the-iceberg problem of such wind carnage, is major news. The post today revisits a decade-old dodge of the problem by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), now part of the American Clean Power Association. So where were the real environmentalists then–and where are they today?


The double-standard and hypocrisy of the AWEA can be documented from their August 19, 2011, release: Fact Check: Fox News Off Base on Bird Collisions, concerning Altamont Pass’s impact on golden eagles. The op-ed follows with comment:

FoxNews.Com carried a story on bird collisions a few days ago with a number of misleading statements.  We covered much of the same ground with a response to the Los Angeles Times in early June (see “News story draws questionable conclusions from eagle collisions with old turbines,” June 6, 2011), and won’t repeat that material at length.…

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Green Energy’s Hidden Eagle Slaughter

By Jim Wiegand -- April 19, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Exit the Paris Climate Accord (Marlo Lewis on offense)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 13, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: April 11, 2022

By -- April 11, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Tribulations of a Climate Activist: Farhana Yamin in Search and Dissent

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 8, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Natural Gas for Africa: Ready, Set, Go!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 7, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

MasterResource: New Principals Joining In

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 5, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading