Joe Biden: Please Remember Obama’s Oil Moment (affordable energy for the masses)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 4, 2022 1 Comment

“Now, under my administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years.  That’s important to know…. So we are drilling all over the place — right now.”

“But the fact is that my administration has approved dozens of new oil and gas pipelines over the last three years -– including one from Canada.  And as long as I’m President, we’re going to keep on encouraging oil development and infrastructure….” 

It was ten years ago in the pipe yard of Cushing, Oklahoma, when oil prices were high and consumers were chafing at the pump. And hesitation not, President Obama gave a pro-oil speech that the Progressive Left fumed over. But Biden should have backbone–or at least his puppeteers a heart for average Americans with the driving season just ahead.…

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U.S. Treasury’s “Climate Hub” (on the road to serfdom)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 1, 2022 1 Comment

“Consistent with President Biden’s whole-of-government approach to climate change, Treasury will work with other stakeholders, including the National Climate Task Force and other agencies and regulators.”

“Treasury will focus on the broad range of its climate-related policy work connected to 1) climate transition finance, 2) climate-related economic and tax policy, and 3) climate-related financial risks…. Treasury is also creating a new Climate Hub and appointing a Climate Counselor to coordinate and lead many of its efforts to address climate change.” 

This 788-word press release below speaks for itself. An intellectual/political elite is all-in to assume the ‘commanding heights’ of the U.S. energy industries, just as is the case in the UK and EU.

It was once said that “war is the health of the state.” In our time, climate change policy (Al Gore’s ‘central organizing principle‘) is the health of the State at home and abroad.…

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Amy Myers Jaffe Disses Oil, Gas, and Houston

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 31, 2022 4 Comments

“Amy Meyers Jaffe, Chris Tomlinson, Jeffrey Sachs–so confident, so angry, so wrong about energy. In psychological terms, they are in denial about climate exaggeration and the verdict from energy density for consumer wants and necessities.”

“Other (pre-Jaffe) ‘Kodak Moments’ dissing fossil fuels have been published in 2015 here; 2016 here; 2018 here; 2019 here and here; and 2021 here. Idea plagiarism?”

CERAWeek 2022 was a rude comeuppance for the hyper-critics [haters?] of oil and gas, who found themselves marginalized not only by world events but also by the Biden Administration itself. Drill, baby, drill was the word from DOE’s First Lady. [1] But Houston Chronicle business editorialist Chris Tomlinson had to get his punches in, embarrassingly so given his strong emotions and elephantine conflict of interest.…

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Energy Efficiency under Biden’s DOE: An Update

By -- March 30, 2022 4 Comments

“I’m proud to report that the American Gas Association (AGA), the American Public Gas Association (APGA), Spire Inc. (who really led the effort), and a gas appliance manufacturer, Thermo Products LLC (a subsidiary of Burnham holdings), rose to the occasion with a filing that put DOE on notice that the gas industry isn’t giving up.”

“Market conservation, in short, is wholly different from command-and-control government conservationism.”

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is further escalating its electrification strategies using regulatory appliance efficiency standards. But the good news is that resistance continues and is even on the upswing with the global failure of ‘Net Zero’ in light of recent developments.

The entire debate is colored by DOE/EERE ignoring the intent of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA) to balance varied consumer interests and energy choices, rather than providing the agency with carte blanche permission to squeeze out every possible BTU without regard to consumer cost, convenience, and fuel preferences.…

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UK Energy Reset! (GWPF/Net Zero policy primer)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 29, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: March 28, 2022

By -- March 28, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

CERA vs. WPC: Tomlinson (Houston Chronicle) Digs In

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 22, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Help Us, Surrender, and Submit: DOE Secretary Granholm at CERA

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 21, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Dear Emma Marris: Check Your Premises (self-righteous anger at ‘fossil-fuel capitalism’ is self-deprecating)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 18, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Build Back Bad: Wounded Climate Agenda Seeks Traction

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 17, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading