Kathleen Harnett White: Common Energy/Climate Sense

By Charles Battig -- March 13, 2018 3 Comments

“White’s failure to give the politically correct answer to heat storage in the ocean pales in comparison to the response of EPA Director Gina McCarthy in Senate testimony in 2005 when asked: ‘Is the temperature around the globe increasing faster than was predicted, even 10 years ago?’ McCarthy’s answer: ‘I can’t answer that question’.”

“Having a well-experienced, pragmatic, and scientifically literate head of the CEQ has fallen victim to political correctness, anti-scientific dogma, and political bullying.”

The Trump administration’s announcement last month to withdraw the nomination of Kathleen Harnett White to head the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) gives yet another example of Voltaire’s commentary on the intersection of politics and, in this case,  science: “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authority is wrong.”

White currently heads the energy and environmental program at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 12, 2018

By -- March 12, 2018 2 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

The High Cost of Wind and Solar

Proposed Colorado Legislation: Health Effects of Industrial Wind Turbines

Congress: Kremlin Used Green Propaganda to Undercut U.S. Energy

Green Ideology’s Failed Experiment

California Has Too Much Green Energy

Maine Places Moratorium on Wind Projects

Scott Pruitt: The Weaponization of the EPA Is Over

Why Wind and Solar are Not the Future

Electric grid a prime target in cyberwar

Dozens of studies about the ecosystem impacts of offshore wind turbines

How Corrupt is Audubon?

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Energy Statism: R Street Hits New Low (carbon tax dead, so wind & solar lovefest today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 8, 2018 4 Comments

“R Street continues to live the lie of ‘engag[ing] in policy research and outreach to promote free markets and limited, effective government.’ Pricing carbon dioxide, replete with global tariffs (‘border adjustments’) and tax differentials (‘equity adjustments’), coupled with a government-forced transformation to (not so) ‘clean’ political energies, has nothing to do with classical liberalism, energy freedom, free markets, or limited-and-effective government.”

It had to happen.

With its Left Progressive donors, R Street Institute was going to march down the statist road as one initiative got replaced with another.

Founded in 2012 with climate-alarmist/Left money, R Street tried to shed into new free-market skin by pitching a seemingly soft proposal to substitute new/better government intervention for worse/existing intervention. Specifically, replace existing climate regulation with carbon-dioxide (CO2) tax-and-dividend. That was during the Obama era, assumed to turn into the Hillary era.…

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DeSmog Blog: Guilty as Charged (‘hit’ profile looks good to me)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 7, 2018 7 Comments

DeSmogBlog describes itself as “clearing the PR pollution that clouds climate science.” This site is 100 percent against (consumer-driven) fossil fuels in the name of climate alarmism and advocates forced energy transformation. Such statism is anti-consumer and, via de-industrialization, anti-wealth.

As part of their effort, DeSmog has profiled just about everyone of note on the free-market, contra-Malthusian side of the energy and climate debate. I am among the hundreds (wow–does not sound like there is climate consensus!) in their Global Disinformation Database” as a ‘denier’.

Robert L. Bradley Jr., begins with a quick (impartial) review of my credentials and background before going to three categories: Stance on Climate Change, Key Quotes, and Key Deeds.

I reproduce their dozen or so quotations taken from my oeuvre — and have nothing to retract.…

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Enough! Martis Responds to Sinclair re Industrial Wind (face-to-face debate urged)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 5, 2018 6 Comments Continue Reading

Dear AWEA: There Are Wind Power Nuisance & Health Effects (complaints, studies large and growing)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 2, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

CERAWeek 2018: ‘Tipping Point; Strategies for a New Energy Future’ (free-market energy vision, anyone?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 28, 2018 2 Comments Continue Reading

Warring Against Natural Gas: Joint EEI/NRDC Statement to NARUC (crony environmentalism at work)

By -- February 26, 2018 4 Comments Continue Reading

Oil Saves New England!

By Donn Dears -- February 21, 2018 5 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: February 19, 2018

By -- February 19, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading