Wind Turbine Noise: Real Impacts on Neighbors

By -- March 1, 2019 7 Comments

When neighbors complain of disturbed sleep, [wind noise models] might cite a predicted level of 40 dBA, when the actual noise that triggered awakening was a 50+ dBA spike, making turbine noise the problem.”

“Hessler & Associates agreed ‘that a wind turbine is indeed a unique source with ultra low frequency energy’ and that a ‘new Threshold of Perception’ was needed to assess turbine noise impacts.”

“Former Vestas’ CEO, Ditlev Engel has admitted that larger setback distances are the only way to address low frequency and infrasonic impacts, particularly on larger (3MW) turbines. Bigger setbacks means fewer locations for siting turbines near where people live.”

In late January, the Iowa Policy Project, Iowa Environmental Council, and the University of Iowa’s Environmental Health Sciences Research Center (IPP et al.) jumped on the ‘wind energy is safe’ bandwagon with a joint release claiming wind turbine noise does not pose a risk to human health.

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TPPF: Fighting Back in Texas on Wind Power Subsidies

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 21, 2019 4 Comments

“Across the state, Texans are fighting subsidies for big renewable energy corporations. It’s an uphill battle as negotiations of these special deals under [Texas] Tax Code Chapter 312 and 313 are hidden from public view. But numerous communities are winning.”

– Texas Public Policy Foundation, “Texans Are Winning,” February 18, 2019.

The Texas wind industry has been constructed on the backs of US taxpayers, state and local taxpayers, and captive electricity ratepayers. The ruse can be traced to 1999 when an Enron-driven electricity restructuring law provided a 2,000-MW renewable-energy quota for Texas (think Enron Wind Corp.). Texas governors George W. Bush and Rick Perry were instrumental in the crony crusade, unfortunately, a story told elsewhere.

The takeoff of this politically correct, economically incorrect power source is explained by concentrated benefits, diffused costs.

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Marian Tupy: “Celebrate the Industrial Revolution and What Fueled It”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 30, 2019 2 Comments

“The Industrial Revolution did not cause hunger, poverty and child labor. Those were always with us. The Industrial Revolution helped to eliminate them.”

MasterResource from time to time has updated our readership on the significant work being done at HumanProgress (Cato Institute). Marian Tupy, founder and editor, is continuing the tradition of Julian Simon (1932–1998). It was Simon who described energy as “the master resource,” the inspiration for this blogsite.

Recently, Tupy penned his thoughts about the importance of energy to human advancement—and mineral energies to energy. His 1,500-word post follows in its entirety.


What is the role of the Industrial Revolution in general and fossil fuels in particular in bringing human improvement? Those readers who are familiar with Alex Epstein’s excellent The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels will recognize the gist of my argument: fossil fuels, which drive, among other things, modern agriculture and industrial production, make present-day abundance possible.

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 21, 2019

By -- January 21, 2019 3 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

 A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

 Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Schumer’s Green Energy Subsidies Cost Much More Than Trump’s Wall

This May Be the Greatest Renewables Story Ever Told

The carbon tax – a wolf in green clothing

Superior video: Infrasound caused by Industrial Wind Turbines

Study: Acoustics and Biological Structures

Report: Concerns about Wind Turbines and Human Health

US Supreme Court Decides Against Wind Developer

President Trump Signs Bipartisan Law to Boost Advanced Nuclear

A Cheaper, Cleaner Electric Grid

An actual letter from a grandfather to his grandkids at school

The Growing Absurdities of the German Energiewende

More Than 1000 Citizen Wind Energy Protest Groups

The drive to make New York ‘zero carbon’ is insane

The Green New Deal Is a Trojan Horse for Socialism

Millennial Socialism 101

Millennials Are Clueless About Communism.

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 7, 2019

By -- January 7, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading

Holiday Lighting Humbug

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 20, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Modernity: Three Industrial Revolutions (Heartland Institute treatise excerpt)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 19, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: December 17, 2018

By -- December 17, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading

‘Climate Alarmism and Corporate Responsibility’ (2000 essay for today’s debate)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 5, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading

Environmental Accounting and Green Subsidies: The Biofuels Mistake

By Greg Rehmke -- December 4, 2018 2 Comments Continue Reading