Storm Uri: The PUCT’s $26 Billion Electricity Tax (Part I)

By -- January 24, 2024 No Comments

Editor’s Note: The following is the first part in a three-part series by the Energy Alliance, a project of the Texas Business Coalition, examining how the Public Utility Commission of Texas has violated consumer choice and market forces in the Texas electric market. MasterResource presents this analysis as an example of the perils of central planning and government monopoly.

On January 30, the Texas Supreme Court will hear arguments to determine the legality of a 2021 Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) rule that effectively imposed a $26 billion monopoly tax on buyers of electricity during Winter Storm Uri. The lawsuit to overturn the PUC’s decision was filed by electricity generator Luminant and others who lost money because of the PUC’s decision. [1] The Texas Third Court of Appeals found in favor of Luminant, ruling last year that the PUC’s price-setting rule was illegal.…

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Climate Policy vs. Classical Liberalism: The Curious Case of Jonathan Adler

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 14, 2023 No Comments

The ability and beneficience of free minds and markets to handle the unknowns of future weather and ‘climate change’ has a strong intellectual case. Such is more true today than when the global warming debate began in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Four decades on, the case of classical liberalism against climate alarmism and forced energy transformation remains intact and strong–probably stronger than ever given the “saturation effect” of greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing. [1] In fact, the debate should be not about the weather or climate but about Statism, that gargoyle of government intervention that makes rich people poorer and keeps poor people poor. Regarding climate, statism is what sets up the problems that are too often simplistically and erroneously blamed on ‘weather’ or ‘climate’.

I bring this up in relation to a new book that ignores and dumbs down the free-market, classical-liberal viewpoint on energy/climate in the name of … “classical liberalism.”…

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Kansas Energy Freedom Now!

By Sherri Lange -- November 3, 2023 25 Comments

Nixing the Mandates in Kansas: Representative Carrie Barth (R-Dist 5) and former House Energy and Environment Chair, Dennis Hedke, reach astounding consensus on Energy Resolution: 180 to 1. There will be no energy “victims” in this state.

I don’t believe I am the typical politician. I don’t care about a political career or political threats. I care about doing the right thing. I care about people. Period! (- Rep Carrie Barth in an email, October 9 2023)

Carrie Barth (R-Kansas, District 5) and Dennis Hedke, unapologetic supporter of the U.S. Constitution, acclaimed author of The Audacity of Freedom (2011), geophysicist, and former member Kansas House of Representatives (former Chair of the House Energy Committee), have drafted a clean and accurate Resolution for the Republican Party. This passed with overwhelming support. It appears to acknowledge that wind is not a good corporate citizen.

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Kiesling: ISOs/RTOs Suffer from “The Knowledge Problem”(!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 1, 2023 No Comments

“… the knowledge problem and governance problems are intertwined.” (Kiesling, October 20. 2023)

Those eight words from an electricity technocrat dressed in classical liberal garb represent a major concession regarding the (governmental) centrally planned wholesale electricity markets, known as ISOs (Independent System Operators) and RTOs (Regional Transmission Organizations).

Before, Keisling only acknowledged governance. “Where the RTOs should have done better IMO is in governance, which is quite flawed but flawed differently in each RTO…”, to which I responded:

One question you have refused to answer: apply the knowledge problem to ISOs/RTOs. Can you do that for us all at substack? And not only Hayek–bring in Don Lavoie’s analysis on noncomprehensive planning, and the Austrian view of competition.

And now she has answered in part. It is not easy dealing with an assumption-making academic who seems to be hiding something from her classical liberal friends and sponsors.…

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Stealth Electricity Statism: Giberson Exchange (for the record)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2023 2 Comments Continue Reading

Giberson on Negative Wind Pricing (2008)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 11, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

ERCOT Readies ‘Retired’ Gas Generation for the 2023/24 Winter Peak

By Ed Ireland -- October 4, 2023 4 Comments Continue Reading

Horwitz vs. Kiesling on Climate (social science matters too)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 3, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Alaska Energy vs. Woke Government

By -- September 26, 2023 5 Comments Continue Reading

Energy Emergency Alert! ERCOT’s Close Call of September 6 (Part 2)

By -- September 13, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading