Lake Erie Wind Turbines? Complaints Pour In (Part I: Overview)

By Sherri Lange -- October 18, 2016 15 Comments

“Groups fighting any industrialization of the Lakes … are requesting that federal funding for this expensive boondoggle, estimated to eventually run up to $125 million, or about $25 million for each turbine, be immediately truncated, and that a complete audit of existing monies granted be undertaken with fulsome reporting to taxpayers.”

“There is absolutely NOTHING ecologically friendly about an industrial wind turbine. It is designed for one thing: profits.”

The Icebreaker Windpower project, proposed by the Norway-based Fred. Olsen Renewables, would be the first proposed freshwater wind turbine project in the United States. The proposal, however, is running into serious opposition from ratepayer, taxpayer, and environmental groups.

As an offshore project (six turbines about seven miles off the shore of Cleveland Ohio), it should be compared to the $0.24/kWh cost debacle of Rhode Island’s Deepwater Wind project that is about to begin production.…

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Wind Turbines: Rusting Giants of Green/Red Religion

By Ileana Johnson Paugh -- September 6, 2016 No Comments

“In the green state of Vermont, a 28-turbine mega-wind project is being vehemently opposed by some board members and citizens in the towns of Windham and Grafton, concerned that the power station would affect property values and the environment.”

“When I stopped in Somerset [Vermont] a few days ago, the turbine blades did not seem to move at all. An educational display was still posted outside the turnpike service plaza, with all the potential savings for the Earth from harnessing wind power. No mention of the huge costs associated with such a pie-in-the-sky watermelon dream.”

I saw the once-verdant wheat fields of Eastern Europe covered with ugly wind turbines, slowly spinning their huge blades into the wind. A few funnel dust swirls were blowing the topsoil into the air. They did not appear to be connected to any storage station that would distribute the electrical power generated.…

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Wind Warning to World Health Organization-Europe (turbine health effects in the crosshairs)

By Sherri Lange -- July 19, 2016 12 Comments

“We are hopeful that your deliberations will result in tough new European guidelines which in turn will prompt a serious worldwide examination of all aspects of this problem, including the widely-reported effects on animals.”

– Dr. Mauri Johansson, Dr. Sarah Laurie, et al. (below)

The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently modernizing its noise guidelines for industrial wind turbines, last revised in 1999. And new evidence is accumulating that the huge wind turbines, tasked with turning dilute energy into usable electricity, cause a variety of ills.

Mrs. Christine Metcalfe, UK spokesperson, and chief author of the communication/media release (below) to Marie-Eve Héroux of WHO, brings attention to the following negative health effects of industrial wind turbines: sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment, mental health and wellbeing, as well as cardiovascular disease, hearing impairment, tinnitus, and adverse birth outcomes.…

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A Populist Revolt Against Wind? It’s Happening!

By -- June 27, 2016 3 Comments

“With each oversized, out-of-scale, in-your-face wind project presented, scores of people join the not-so-quiet ‘war on wind’ raging nationwide…. While Big Media and Big Wind are busy forcing the vision they want, communities are taking aggressive action to limit wind’s negative impacts and will ultimately lead to far fewer projects being built.”

A journalist recently contacted with questions about Colorado’s latest wind project sponsored by utility giant, Xcel Energy. The 600 MW, 300 turbine, $1.04 billion ‘farm’, if built, will span 150 square miles of Colorado’s sensitive eastern grasslands. To deliver the energy to market, Xcel must also construct a 90-mile 345 kv transmission line along a 150-foot wide right-of-way. The project is massive by any measure and the largest considered by the state.

Yet, according to the reporter, no one local has raised any concerns which explains the call.…

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Wind Siting Rules: Kevon Martis Testimony to the Ohio Power Siting Board

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 9, 2016 7 Comments Continue Reading

Call for Wind Moratorium in Victoria, AU (precautionary principle invoked)

By Sherri Lange -- May 18, 2016 No Comments Continue Reading

Offshore Wind Decommissioning: The Bad End of a Bad Technology

By Kent Hawkins -- April 21, 2016 5 Comments Continue Reading

Big Wind’s Big Spin

By -- April 20, 2016 9 Comments Continue Reading

Model Wind Ordinance: Leveling the Playing Field

By -- April 7, 2016 No Comments Continue Reading

Whales: An Offshore Wind Issue

By Paul Driessen and Mark Duchamp -- February 18, 2016 12 Comments Continue Reading