Houston Chronicle: Preaching Climate Alarmism Post Harvey

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 4, 2017 2 Comments

“Hometown hurricane expert and Ph.D. scientist Neil Frank, whose insight would normally be sought out (not just welcomed) by the Houston Chronicle, finds himself unable to even get a letter-to-the-editor published there (he tried twice several months ago, he communicated to me).”

A very unique, freak weather event poured 50 inches of rain on Houston over a several day period. Climatologist Roy Spencer likened it to the time when an ambulance carrying a man struck by lightning got struck by lightning, finishing the guy off.

What is physically possible can beat the odds, from time to time. It does not have to be God’s hand, the Devil’s paw, or fossil-fueled climate change.

Chronicle All-in

In the days and weeks after, the Houston Chronicle inundated Houstonians with biased–even angry–news reports, unsigned editorials, guest editorials, (chosen) letters-to-the-editor, and cartoons blaming man-made climate change for the severity of this event.…

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Cabotage Cronyism: Some History of the Jones Act

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 2, 2017 No Comments

“Forced use of higher-cost U.S.-flag vessels has benefitted domestic water carrier firms, shipbuilding companies, and associated labor at the expense of consumers. This advantage, however, has been diluted because inflated shipping costs has reduced the attractiveness of barge and tanker transport compared to other alternatives.”

The Puerto Rico recovery effort has brought attention to an arcane special-interest cabotage regulation that delayed shipments to the imperiled island–and required a waiver from President Trump: Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, [(Public Law 261, 41 Stat. 988 (1920)], commonly known as the Jones Act.

Previous posts at MasterResource (here and here) examined the history of oil-export regulation by the federal government; this post surveys the history of water-vessel restrictions from Washington, D.C. directly or indirectly impacting oceanic commerce.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 25, 2017

By -- September 25, 2017 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Four people die in helicopter crash near major NC wind project

PhD: Massachusetts wind turbine study is junk science

Alert: Integrating the Social Cost of Carbon into NYS Utility Pricing

Societal Benefits of Fossil Fuels

Study: Hidden consequences of intermittent electricity production

Study: Vermont Energy Goal Numbers Don’t Add up

Unwinding Failing Renewables Policies

The EPA Needs to Stick to its Knitting

Global Warming: Who Are The Deniers Now?

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ExxonMobil’s Tillerson on Wind and Solar Subsidies (an argument to remember)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 21, 2017 6 Comments

“If I wanted to kill [tax subsidies], the thing to do is for Exxon Mobil to go and invest heavily in [wind and solar] and then Congress would immediately cancel the tax subsidy. Actually what they would do is they would just cancel it for us…. So we are not going to go into investments that are dependent on a government providing a tax system to make them viable.”

– Rex Tillerson, Quoted in Russell Gold, “Exxon Mobil: We Like Renewable Energy Subsidies. Wink, Wink.” Wall Street Journal (March 6, 2009).

Last week at MasterResource, I posted on current US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s 2013 views on climate science in light of consumer energy needs. He referenced the pause in increasing global temperatures in light of rising concentrations of greenhouse gas concentrations.…

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Tom Stacy On Wind Power: At the (Ohio) Grassroots

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 20, 2017 3 Comments Continue Reading

“The Utter Complete Total Fraud of Wind Power’ (Matt Ridley presents the facts)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 19, 2017 12 Comments Continue Reading

State Department Climate Pullback (remembering Tillerson’s 2013 views)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 14, 2017 5 Comments Continue Reading

Beyond “Flood Zones:” Time to Personally Floodproof Homes and Businesses

By Barry Klein -- September 13, 2017 17 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 5, 2017

By -- September 5, 2017 1 Comment Continue Reading

“Wind Energy Isn’t a Breeze” (Slate looks critically at industrial wind)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 28, 2017 4 Comments Continue Reading