Pickens Plan II’s Natural Gas Trucks: Mel Brooks Meets Energy Policy

By Donald Hertzmark -- March 9, 2009 12 Comments

Mel Brooks, in his classic comedy The Producers, schemed to make money by over-subscribing shares in a sure-to-fail play. Unfortunately for his character, the play became a smash hit, and all the investors wanted their payouts. Since he had sold well over 100% of the interest in the play, he was in a bit of a pickle.

And so it is with natural gas. Clean, easy to use, abundant—natural gas is everyone’s choice for our energy transition away from oil and coal for power generation, industry, homes, and now transportation. Enter oilman-turned-wind-promoter T. Boone Pickens, with a proposal to move U.S. heavy trucks strongly toward natural gas fuel (as compressed natural gas, or CNG). And to enable the offset, the electricity that is currently generated by such gas (about a 21% market share of power generation, according to the Energy Information Administration’s Annuel Energy Outlook 2009, Table 8) would be supplied by new wind farms, built mostly in the Plains States.…

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ExxonMobil’s Tillerson on Renewable Energy: Realism amid Politics

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 7, 2009 12 Comments

As reported by Russell Gold at Environmental Capital, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson has made an incisive new argument against his company’s investing in government-dependent renewable energy.

“If I wanted to kill [tax subsidies], the thing to do is for Exxon Mobil to go and invest heavily in them and then Congress would immediately cancel the tax subsidy. Actually what they would do is they would just cancel it for us,” said Mr.Tillerson, during the annual analyst meeting at the New York Stock Exchange.

He added: “In reality, that is what I fear would happen. So we are not going to go into investments that are dependent on a government providing a tax system to make them viable.”

This is very interesting. Former ExxonMobil CEO Lee Raymond and now Tillerson have argued against investing in politically dependent renewables because they have been-there-done-that, with investor losses in the 1970s.…

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The Malthusian Wing of the Party in Power: When Will They Speak Up?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 1, 2009 9 Comments

“The economic recession/depression is good, not bad. It lowers our carbon footprint in countless ways. It saves resources. It throttles back industrial society to sustainable levels that were exceeded long ago. Let the downturn continue to get us out of the growth mentality. Let rising expectations fall! Less is more!”

When will some prominent Left environmentalist slip and say something like this? No doubt the tongues are tied right now, but as time goes on it will be harder to keep the Malthusians muted.

Consider Paul Ehrlich’s advice for families, which can be extended to the economy as a whole:

Once a cooperative movement had gained momentum, it could also engage in an enormous campaign to re-educate other consumers and to change their buying habits. The pitch might be: ‘Try to live below your means!

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Smart Grid, Dumb Economics

By Jerry Taylor -- February 24, 2009 18 Comments

Yesterday, the National Clean Energy Product Summit was held in Washington, DC to discuss the Center for American Progress’ s February 2009 white paper titled “Wired for Progress: Building a National Clean-Energy Smart Grid.”  Participants included Steven Chu, Al Gore, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., T. Boone Pickens, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and pretty much everyone else who thinks they know a priori how to most efficiently organize and manage the electricity sector.   As one might expect, no good came of it.…

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CERAWeek 2009: Why Didn’t Daniel Yergin Question Climate Alarmism–and Both Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxation?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 15, 2009 2 Comments Continue Reading

Windpower: Yet Another Texas-sized Problem (Hurricane Risk)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 14, 2009 2 Comments Continue Reading

The Politicization of Business Prudence

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 8, 2009 2 Comments Continue Reading

Climate Alarmism Bullying: L’affaire Schmidt (new) … L’affaire Wigley (old)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 6, 2009 6 Comments Continue Reading

At World Economic Forum: “New Model” Sought

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 26, 2009 4 Comments Continue Reading

Poorly Defined Climate-Change Questions Lead to Meaningless Poll Results

By Indur Goklany -- January 23, 2009 5 Comments Continue Reading