Intellectual Vertigo: Trivia, Emotionalism in One Spot Check (taxpayers pay for this?)

By -- May 15, 2017 No Comments

“I, therefore, juxtapose feminist posthumanist theories and feminist food studies scholarship to demonstrate how eastern fox squirrels are subjected to gendered, racialized, and speciesist thinking in the popular news media as a result of their feeding/eating practices, their unique and unfixed spatial arrangements in the greater Los Angeles region, and the western, modernist human frame through which humans interpret these actions.”

– Professor Teresa Lloro-Bidart (below)

“Trump and the climate-destroyers he brought into office with him, such as Rex Tillerson and Scott Pruitt, are not driven by compassion for victims. They are animated by a callous and rapacious search for profits for themselves and their cronies. If they cared about children killed by noxious gases, they wouldn’t want to ban Syrian refugees like the Kurds from the United States. Nor would they want to spew ever more tons of the most noxious gas of all into the blue skies of the only planetary home the human race has.”

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An Environmentalist’s Protest (McKibben’s wind power hypocrisy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 3, 2017 7 Comments

Here is an energy joke that gets laughs from just about everyone except for the climate alarmists/energy coercionists:

“When is an environmentalist not an environmentalist?”

Answer: “When it comes to windpower.”

The mainstream environmentalist quandary, indeed, is lobbying for the most dilute and unreliable energies versus the real thing: dense, storable, and portable oil, gas, and coal.

The DC-based eco-crowd dismisses nuclear power as an alternative to carbon-rich energies, which led Michael Shellenberger of Environmental Progress to urge readers to not participate in last Saturday’s climate march. It’s an interesting public policy world….

Jones vs. McKibben

I was reminded of eco-tradeoffs recently when reading a grassroots challenge to activist Bill McKibben, the founder of the war-on-fossil-fuel organization 350.0rg.

The op-ed in the Vermont newspaper The Daily Digger was published back in February 2013.

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Out of Climate Time … Again (failed Malthusianism rolls on)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 2, 2017 2 Comments

“Climate alarmism cannot be understood outside of the long-standing, long-debunked Malthusian view of man as a market failure, a planetary failure. The last half-century’s litany of alarm marches on, with one failed prognostication morphing into another.”

The Planet Doesn’t Have Time for This,” screams the headline of a recent New York Times Sunday Review. “President Trump is in charge at a crucial moment for dealing with the climate crisis,” the subtitle reads. “We may never recover.”

The article by Bill McKibben begins:

President Trump’s environmental onslaught will have immediate, dangerous effects. He has vowed to reopen coal mines and moved to keep the dirtiest power plants open for many years into the future. Dirty air, the kind you get around coal-fired power plants, kills people.

and ends:

We can hope other world leaders will pick up some of the slack.

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 1, 2017

By -- May 1, 2017 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

US Tax Subsidies For Renewables Now Far Outpaces Fossil Fuels

Wind Industry Titan Soaks Up Billions in Tax Subsidies

Oklahoma ends wind power subsidy

Solar Power: An Environmental Disaster

The Real Threat is ‘Big Environment’

53 year old coal plant generates more electricity that all wind facilities combined

DOE study on electric grid to be done by “renewable skeptic”

We must protect Texas’ military installations from encroaching wind turbines

Failed Economics Of Renewable Energy: The Facts

End of Global Warming Debate — It’s As Easy As 1-2-3

Every green initiative imposed on us by politicians has ended in disaster

Exiting the Paris Climate Agreement

Peer-Reviewed: Paris climate promises will reduce temps in 2100 by 0.05°C

Please: Sign Petition Against Paris Agreement

Real science must guide policy

Major U.S.

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Renewable Energy Sources: Does Their Output Matter?

By Stanislav Jakuba -- April 27, 2017 13 Comments Continue Reading

Why Renewables Cost More (some basics for short attention spans)

By Donn Dears -- April 26, 2017 3 Comments Continue Reading

Remembering Al Gore’s $30,000/year Utility Bill (‘inconvenient truth’ made news ten years ago)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 25, 2017 6 Comments Continue Reading

A Diesel in the Shed

By Viv Forbes -- April 24, 2017 1 Comment Continue Reading

Ford’s Electric Cars in China: Good News or Bad?

By Greg Rehmke -- April 13, 2017 3 Comments Continue Reading

Properly Representing Wind and Solar in Electricity Systems: Electricity Generated (Part II)

By Kent Hawkins -- April 12, 2017 5 Comments Continue Reading