A Free-Market Energy Blog

EDF Loves Political Capitalism (an exchange)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 17, 2024

“EDF is all-in with the political capitalism bribe game, the we-all-can-make-money-so-join-in. But some of us actually respect consumers, taxpayers, and freedom. And intellectual argumentation.”

On LinkedIn, the IPCC posted:

Did climate change cause that recent extreme event in my country? While it is difficult to identify the exact causes of a particular extreme event, the relatively new science of event attribution can quantify the role of climate change in altering the probability & magnitude of some types of weather & climate extremes.

There is strong evidence that characteristics of many individual extreme events have already changed because of human-driven changes to the climate system.

I responded to the alarm/renewables push:

Oh: wind and solar in Texas: “Yesterday, ERCOT issued a notice of ‘possible future Emergency Condition of reserve capacity deficiency’ for Friday & Saturday nights.”

Shareen Yawanarajah, Director, Global Energy Transition, Environmental Defense Fund, located in Houston, Texas, responded:

Rob Bradley and? What’s your point? This doesn’t need to be contentious. Everyone just do their part. And why be against renewables? Battery storage is big business – driven by renewables. There’s opportunity for everyone – one only has to be think creatively and yes, even if just a little, work towards something bigger than the bottom line.

I answered:

Government intervention and open-ended Statism is the point and the problem. It is fine to use reasoning and civil society and adaptation to address weather extremes from any source, natural or anthropogenic.

But keep government out of it. And do recognize the positives of CO2 fertilization and lukewarming, which is mostly a reduction in the diurnal cycle.

Wind, solar, and batteries introduce a whole new set of economic and ecological problems that are part of the debate too.

You ended: “… just a little, work towards something bigger than the bottom line.” Can you tell that to wind, solar, and battery firms? The climate industrial complex, including ‘big oil’s hydrogen and CCS schemes?

With silence from her, I asked a day later:

Any reply to my comment? Are you happy with wind, solar, and batteries and political capitalism? Are you considering the positives of CO2 enrichment? The importance of affordable, reliable mass energies for consumers and taxpayers? Energy freedom from Statism?

No reply at all. EDF is all-in with the political capitalism bribe game, the we-all-can-make-money-so-join-in. But some of us actually respect consumers, taxpayers, and freedom. And intellectual argumentation.


  1. John W. Garrett  

    Oh, THAT EDF (the one full of innumerates, economic and scientific illiterates, and climate nutjobs relying on the evidence-light “Catastrophic/dangerous, CO2-driven anthropogenic global warming/climate change” CONJECTURE).

    Not Électricité de France SA.


  2. Denis Rushworth  

    Sharween Yanarawajah might be helped by knowing that Germany is further along than the US in building out a “green” electricity production and distribution system. The average price for electricity in Germany is now up to about $0.42 per kWh compared with the price in the US of about $0.16 per kWh. That’s about 2 1/2 times higher! So we all need to prepare to do our part – pay 2, 3 or 5 times more for electricity. I think I will let Sharween pay her part and mine as well.


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