Search Results for: "Alaska energy "
Relevance | Date“Save Earth”: Houston Chronicle Goes 1970s (Malthusian alarm getting long in the tooth)
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 30, 2019 2 Comments“All economic pain and no environmental gain is bad politics coming and going. The Democrats do not seem to want to touch it, if their vote on the Green New Deal was any indication.”
” … history will judge the climate alarm as exaggerated, CO2 as the gas of life, and carbon-based energy and modern living as heaven on earth. Governor Abbott, thank you.”
During the day, Houston, Texas, bustles as the oil and gas capital of the world. The daily business fare as reported by the hometown Houston Chronicle is a new offshore project here, new refinery or petrochemical plant there, new onshore production plays elsewhere.
And then there is a whole new industry within an industry, LNG exports from Texas and Louisiana to distant ports–and even LNG tank cars crossing into Mexico.…
Continue ReadingRebuttal to a Rebuttal: Climate Exaggeration on the Firing Line
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 8, 2018 2 Comments“There is very little substance to evaluate [in Robert Bradley’s piece]. Yes, one can find examples of when individual scientists or politicians have exaggerated the impacts of climate change. But to present those examples as if they are mainstream views, when they are not, is very misleading.”
– Kyle Armour, Assistant Professor, University of Washington
“I also must ask my critics who profess to dislike scientific exaggeration. Where are you when the big names exaggerate to spew climate alarmism? Where is the real-time rebuttal to Al Gore, John Holdren, Paul Ehrlich, Joe Romm, Rajendra Pachauri, and many others?” (below)
I recently ran across a detailed rebuttal of an essay I wrote back in 2016 at, “Climate Exaggeration is Backfiring,” which received approximately 35,000 views. “Analysis of ‘Climate Exaggeration is Backfiring‘” at the website Climate Feedback was published right after my Forbes piece.…
Continue Reading“Obama’s Global-Warming Folly” (Krauthammer lives!)
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 26, 2018 3 Comments“It’s flat-earthers like Obama who refuse to acknowledge the problematic nature of contradictory data. It’s flat-earthers like Obama who cite a recent Alaskan heat wave — a freak event in one place at one time — as presumptive evidence of planetary climate change. It’s flat-earthers like Obama who cite perennial phenomena such as droughts as cosmic retribution for environmental sinfulness.”
– Charles Krauthammer, “Obama’s Global-Warming Folly.” Washington Post, July 4, 2013.
The late Charles Krauthammer was a wise voice in a public policy hothouse. His views on Obama-era climate-change policy ring true today–and demonstrate prescience.
After providing key quotations from Krauthammer, I revisit James Taylor’s rebuttal to the critical backlash generated by the Washington Post piece.
“The economy stagnates. Syria burns. Scandals lap at his feet.…
Continue ReadingWSJ Letter: ‘Some Inconvenient Truths of Wind and Solar’
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 13, 2017 3 Comments“Dense mineral energies can be considered more environmentally benign than dilute, intermittent renewables. Peter Huber has written that ‘the greenest fuels are the ones that contain the most energy per pound of material that must be mined, trucked, pumped, piped, and burnt.’ He notes that ‘extracting comparable amounts of energy from the surface would entail truly monstrous environmental disruption’.”
Letters-to-the-editor are an effective way to communicate ideas. They are brief and to the point, appealing to the shortened attention spans that most readers have experienced.
Letter writing can be the best return on a policy writer’s investment. The King of the practice is Donald Boudreaux, Professor of Economics at George Mason University (see his many titles and affiliations here).
Through the years, I have published several letters in the Wall Street Journal.…
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