Andrew Dessler Challenges Rick Perry: How Should Perry Respond?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 12, 2011 54 Comments

I try not to play favorites between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to supporting or undermining the ideal of what Ludwig von Mises called the free and prosperous commonwealth. To this end, I have criticized Gov. Perry for his unfortunate windpower positions in Texas (see here and here), and I will do so again to the extent he buys into a government role in “green energy.”

Dessler Weighs In

A current spat is ongoing between Texas A&M climatologist Andrew Dessler and Perry, a front-runner for the Republican nomination for president of the United States, over global warming science and policy.

Dr. Dessler has written two opinion-page editorials published by the Houston Chronicle in recent months (July 10th and September 2nd) arguing that the science is settled in favor of climate alarm, meriting proactive public policy.…

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Andrew Dessler and Gerald North on Climategate, Climate Alarmism, and the State of Texas’s Challenge to the U.S. EPA’s Endangerment Finding (Part I in a series)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 17, 2010 8 Comments

[The other posts in this series on the activism of Texas A&M climatologists are here: Part IIPart IIIPart IV, and Part V]

On March 7th, the Houston Chronicle published an editorial by two Texas A&M climate scientists, Andrew Dessler and Gerald North (et al.):  “On Global Warming, the Science is Solid.” The op-ed argued that Climategate was a mere distraction and that climate science was settled in favor of alarm–both points being intended to challenge the State of Texas’s Petition for Rehearing to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s endangerment finding, which was based on a belief of “settled science.”

A week later, a response/defense followed in the Chronicle, written by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott: “State Suing for Responsible Scientific Conclusions.”

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Gov. Abbott: Ignore Professor Dessler (angry Andrew a climate catastrophist)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 8, 2020 1 Comment

Governor, have an aide challenge Andrew Dessler to set up a Texas-sized climate debate against his able adversaries. This should settle things by getting the mad Professor to either put up or shut up.

Dear Governor:

In a recent op-ed in the Houston Chronicle, Texas A&M climate scientist Andrew Dessler has once again challenged you to host him and his fellow alarmists to “educate” you on what he calls the “existential threat” of man-made climate change, as well as on the merits of the Green New Deal. He has been seeking an audience with you for some time (see here), as he did prior with Rick Perry (here).

Don’t bother. This emotional, angry, highly political Professor is an outlier. He refuses to debate the uncertainty monster of global climate change, choosing to alarm his audience.…

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Dessler to Debate ‘Climate Flat Earther’ Koonin: Why?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 11, 2022 4 Comments

“[Andrew] Dessler said he would not debate the science because it isn’t a ‘both sides’ issue. ‘I think you overestimate the ability to settle these issues in a debate,’ Dessler told [Joe] Rogan.” (here)

“[Steven Koonin]’s a climate flat earther…. He’s just a old white dude whose vast experience in the halls of power gives him a unique ability to point out the errors that other people make? Nope.” (here)

So why is angry Andrew Dessler, Professor of Atmospheric Science at Texas A&M University, going to debate “flat earther” Steven Koonin of New York University? As it now now stands, on Monday August 15, 2022, the two will square away on the resolution: Climate science compels us to make large and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.…

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Dessler on Koonin: Cancel Culture at Work

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 17, 2022 10 Comments Continue Reading

Texas Climate Alarmism: A Ten-year Anniversary (Dessler overshoots again)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 19, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

Physical Climate Science NOW Settled? (Dessler says yes)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 6, 2020 6 Comments Continue Reading

Censorship for Climate Alarm: Dessler Joins Mann in Intellectual Cowardice

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 25, 2020 7 Comments Continue Reading

Dessler’s ‘Introduction to Modern Climate Science’ (Part III: Adaptation as the weather/climate strategy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 26, 2019 2 Comments Continue Reading

Don’t Debate the ‘Climate Crisis’? (Mann, Dessler, etc. want to assume, not discuss)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 23, 2019 10 Comments Continue Reading