Shell Knew? No (outlier climate prediction exaggerated)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 19, 2023 1 Comment

“Shell, ExxonMobil, and other companies should defeat these frivolous lawsuits against fossil fuels, which are more a complaint against high-energy civilization than the defendants. The plaintiffs should be ordered to pay all court costs, as well as the opportunity cost for the company having to litigate rather than find energy for the masses.”

A DeSmog piece by Matthew Green, “Lost Decade: How Shell Downplayed Early Warnings Over Climate Change,” reports on a smoking gun that is more like a broken, discarded water pistol.

“Newly discovered documents from the 1970s and early ’80s show that Shell knew more about the ‘greenhouse effect’ than it let on in public,” reads the subtitle. The article continues:

A confidential October 1989 Shell publication titled “SCENARIOS 1989 – 2010” outlines a high-emissions “global mercantilism” scenario in which average global temperatures rise by “considerably more” than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

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Free Market Electricity: End the Blackout (Kiesling bobs and weaves)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 11, 2023 No Comments

“People who pride themselves on their ‘complexity’ and deride others for being ‘simplistic’ should realize that the truth is often not very complicated. What gets complex is evading the truth. – Thomas Sowell

Imagine a self-described classical liberal that cannot define classical liberalism (a real free market) in their area of specialty. Imagine a self-described “directionalist” who cannot define the end-state. And imagine this person telling me, as her critic, “I will not dance to your tune.”

Political Economy 101 deals with the difference between a free market and governmental intervention. For months, I have begged this person to get to the essence of electricity policy, only to be rebuffed as ignorant and out of step. Meanwhile, this person traffics in hidden assumptions, deep jargon, rhetorical flourishes, and technicalities intended to obscure the fundamental questions.…

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Solar Farm Opposition: Rejoinder to Giberson (2)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 6, 2023 1 Comment

“If local government stops destructive intervention emanating from above, so be it. Free-market advocates have noted the advantages of local, decentralized government to this end.”

“Are you just interested in private property rights to help Energy Leviathan? Does your standard also oppose mandatory open access, gas-appliance bans, and other violations of liberty in the name of climate alarmism/forced energy transformation?”

Should neighbors and local government work to nix government-enabled projects on private land, particularly a project that harms the locals as taxpayers and ratepayers; and harms the neighbors with lower property values and nuisances. Giberson says: No matter; private property rights shield all. I say: citizens and neighbors and local government have every right to try to stop Energy Leviathan.



Michael Giberson and I have debated the issue in Round One.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: June 19, 2023

By -- June 19, 2023 1 Comment

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
Social Cost of Subsidies
Green Energy Now Threatens South Korea’s Economy
Costly climate rules are turning Germans away from the Greens

Unreliables (General):
*** The hole story of the Green New Deal
*** Ramping up wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles can’t solve our energy problem
*** Models Hide the Shortcomings of Wind and Solar
*** Study: Geophysical constraints on the reliability of solar and wind power worldwide
*** Britain’s green energy disaster should be an awful warning to Americans
Limitations to Mining related to Unreliable Electricity
“Peak Green” in Western Countries: What it Means Eastern Countries

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Is the Great Fish Kill of 1976 About to be Repeated?

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Private Property Rights vs. Industrial Wind/Solar: Reply to Giberson

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 15, 2023 2 Comments Continue Reading

U.S. Exit of the Paris Climate Accord: Reasons Reverberate Today

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 1, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

“Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ Fails Test of Time” (New York Times verdict in 2007)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 17, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

DOE vs. Gas Cooking: A Review of Critical Comments

By -- April 27, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

The White House State: ‘Regulatory Reform’ in Sheep’s Clothing (OMB Circular A-4)

By -- April 13, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

Southeast Ratebase Debacles: Tony Bartelme Revisited (nuclear, CO2 capture)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 6, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading