Michael Mann Quotations: Doubling Down, but Not Giving Up

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 11, 2023 1 Comment

“Climate deniers are often simply awful people.”

Michael Mann, September 15, 2019

An army of climate denier bots & trolls have been released to deflect attention from the unprecedented climate change-fueled extreme weather we’re witnessing. If you encounter, report first. Then block. Don’t engage!

Michael Mann, July 19, 2022

Not people. Mostly bots.  July 19

In response to a Sierra Club study, “Climate Deniers Are More Likely to Be Racist. Why?” Michael Mann answered: “Because, in general, they’re pretty awful people. Racism, misogyny, climate denial often come bundled:   September 3, 2019.

Jonathan Watts, “Climatologist Michael E Mann: ‘Good people fall victim to doomism. I do too sometimes‘” The Guardian, February 27, 2021.

The Victim

“For more than two decades I was in the crosshairs of climate change deniers, fossil fuel industry groups and those advocating for them – conservative politicians and media outlets.…

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Extinction Rebellion “Quits” Uncivil Disobedience (Parliament insurrection next?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 5, 2023 1 Comment

Ed. note: This is Part III of a three-part series on eco-terrorism heading into the new year. Part I reported on Bloomberg Green’s interview with eco-terrorist Andreas Malm. Part II reviewed Just Stop Oil’s plan for increased eco-incivility in 2023.

The eco-terrorist group Extinction Rebellion, which demands Net Zero in three years (2025), made this recent Twitter announcement:


Our #NewYearsResolution is to halt our tactics of public disruption. Instead, we call on everyone to help us disrupt our corrupt government. #ChooseYourFuture & join us: 21 April, Parliament.

The full announcement:

When XR burst onto the scene four years ago, few could have imagined the seismic shift it would bring about in the climate movement, the climate conversation, and the world at large. 

But despite the blaring alarm on the climate and ecological emergency ringing loud and clear, very little has changed.

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‘Saving the Dark’ (Light pollution fanaticism)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 21, 2022 1 Comment

“The number of species affected by the growing light pollution problem is large and expanding.  Oddly enough and justly we humans have in recent years been added to that list.”

“Generating the power to these lights has contributed millions of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere annually, thus contributing to global climate change, with no human benefit.”

– The Rewilding Institute (below)

The Deep Ecologists just don’t like human beings doing their own thing. Don’t eat meat. Don’t drive or fly. Don’t multiply. And … don’t violate the natural darkness.

There is even a International Dark-Sky Association formed in 2001 in the cause of promoting night sky for land-based astronomy. Enter Jason Kahn, who introduces the film Saving the Dark in this article, The Ecological & Human Need for Dark Skies.…

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Bret Stephens’ Climate Conversion: Utterly Unconvincing

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 8, 2022 4 Comments

“Learning is a process, not a destination. Bret Stephens should reconsider his reconsideration to educate his readers on the benefits of CO2 enrichment and positive weather/climate trends (including global lukewarming). And do it in such a way that instead of trying to fire him, the alarmists have to answer (not duck) the hard questions about their position.”

The intellectual case against climate alarmism and forced energy transformation has always been strong. Recent events have made this case stronger with more data contradicting climate model projections. The statistics of extreme weather events and global (luke)warming are hard to ignore. In addition, the “fat tail” of worst-case, extreme warming have been scaled back in the mainstream literature. All this is good news and an antidote for ‘climate anxiety’.

Given all this (isn’t this typical of neo-Malthusian scares?),…

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Fossil Fuels for Africa! African Energy Chamber at COP 27

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 10, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

What Environmentalists Don’t Know About Petroleum (that last 30 percent)

By -- October 26, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

IPCC: We Call Your Bluff (COP 27 alarmism in the air)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 17, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

‘Deep Optimism Manifesto’ (David Siegel’s cure for ‘climate anxiety’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Gas Furnaces: Big Brother Says No

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 11, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Renewables and the Great Texas Blackout: Baker Institute Study Tip-toes to Key Causality

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 29, 2022 6 Comments Continue Reading