Judith Curry Interview (Part II: Public Policy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 4, 2021 1 Comment

“People are looking for simple problems with simple solutions, and they thought that climate change was a simple problem.”

“Thinking that we can control the climate is misguided hubris.”

– Judith Curry (below)

Part I yesterday shared climatologist Judith Curry’s most recent thoughts about the politicization of climate science, climate models (and regional applications from the same), and climate sensitivity. Today’s concluding post shares her thoughts on related public policy issues.

The excerpts below come from her recent interview with Christopher Balkaran at his Strong and Free Podcast.

Public Policy & Energy Reality

“… people are looking for simple problems with simple solutions, and they thought that climate change was a simple problem, sort of like the ozone hole. Stop emitting chloroflourocarbons – stop the ozone hole; stop emitting CO2 – stop the global warming.”…

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MLK Day: The Wisdom of Thomas Sowell

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 18, 2021 4 Comments

It was Thomas Edison who brought us electricity, not the Sierra Club. It was the Wright brothers who got us off the ground, not the Federal Aviation Administration. It was Henry Ford who ended the isolation of millions of Americans by making the automobile affordable, not Ralph Nader. Those who have helped the poor the most [were] … those who found ways to make industry more productive and distribution more efficient, so that the poor of today can afford things that the affluent of yesterday could only dream about.

The New York Times’ long-standing motto, “All the News That’s Fit to Print” should be changed to reflect today’s reality: “Manufacturing News to Fit an Ideology.

Born a black in poverty during the early Great Depression. A Marxist at Harvard University and beyond.…

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James Hansen’s New Clothes (shifting in retreat)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 3, 2021 2 Comments

The father of global warming alarm, James Hansen, has been very good about speaking truth to power in many aspects of the climate debate. But his message is changing now that his earlier warnings and deadlines have come and gone.

December 2021

The climate crisis cannot be solved in a decade, but it can be solved during your lifetime.  This next decade, the fourth decade since the 1992 Framework Convention, is crucial for getting the climate story pointed in the right direction.  This must be done in the context of fixing the urgent political crisis.  If we do not fix the problem of political polarization, there is a danger that the climate situation really could go haywire.

At a November 13, 2021, rally (entire speech here), he stated some notable things worth commenting on.…

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Exxon’s Algae Dry Hole ($300 million greenwashing failure continuing)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 16, 2020 1 Comment

“That points to another potential challenge [to algae fuel commercialization]: the availability of land. NREL’s model for a commercial-scale algae facility calls for 5,000 acres of open-air algae ponds plus an additional 2,000 acres for support facilities. Yet all that land would produce only a limited amount of fuel.” [E&E News, below[

“Algae nevertheless serve a purpose for the company, [Robert] Brulle said. ‘They’re not selling you algae. They’re selling you, there’s good guys at Exxon,’ he said. ‘You don’t need to regulate us, you don’t need to sue us. We’re good guys.’ [E&E news, below]

Although nothing like the fall of once mighty General Electric (GE) under Jeff Immelt, the post-Lee Raymond Exxon Mobil is a sad corporate governance story of missed market opportunities and a wrong turn toward political correctness.…

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Yesterday’s Eco-complaints; Today’s ‘Planet of the Humans’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 15, 2020 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy Efficiency Policy Under Trump (Part III: Litigation)

By -- December 10, 2020 1 Comment Continue Reading

Gas Ban Economics 101

By Kenneth Costello -- December 7, 2020 1 Comment Continue Reading

Who do you Trust? (Michael Mann and Climategate)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 1, 2020 6 Comments Continue Reading

Climategate: Another Anniversary (never forget ….)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 27, 2020 3 Comments Continue Reading

‘The Libertarian Case for Donald Trump’ (vs. Left libertarians with TDS)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 2, 2020 2 Comments Continue Reading