Response to MIT President: Paris Exit Scientifically Sound (Part I)

By Willie Soon and Christopher Monckton of Brenchley -- July 5, 2017 12 Comments

– by Istvan Marko, J. Scott Armstrong, William M. Briggs, Kesten Green, Hermann Harde, David R. Legates, Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, and Willie Soon

MIT president’s letter repeats standard climate alarm claims. Here are the facts (also see Part II tomorrow).


“Fortunately, contrary to Professor Reif’s claims, the actual current scientific understanding of Earth’s climate dispels the popular delusion that any manmade global warming will be dangerous. That means adhering to the Paris agreement would be ‘a bad deal for America,’ and not only on economic and equity grounds, as President Trump stated.”

“In the last 20 years, humans have released over a third of all the CO2 produced since the beginning of the industrial period. Yet global mean surface temperature has remained essentially constant for at least 15 years – a fact that has been acknowledged by the IPCC, whose models failed to predict it.”

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Hayek was not a Malthusian or Global Tariff Advocate (link to a carbon tax peculiar, errant)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 17, 2017 5 Comments

“Professor Dolan is invited to study the Hayek literature to see if any of the above nine points are not valid. The burden of proof is on him to try to square a classical liberal with disputed externality pricing, ‘tax-bads’ public finance, international tariffs, equity tax-dividend adjustments, and government planning.”

Yale economics PhD Ed Dolan recently attempted to link the classical liberal scholar F. A. Hayek (1899–1992) to a carbon tax in a piece published by the (misnamed) Niskanen Center. [1]

Friedrich Hayek on Carbon Taxes” is more than unconvincing. It is shoddy. It fails to make its point and (purposefully?) neglects the obvious themes of Hayekian economics and political economy for a generic issue such as climate change.

Professor Dolan begins by admitting that Hayek never wrote anything on the subject.…

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Intellectual Vertigo: Trivia, Emotionalism in One Spot Check (taxpayers pay for this?)

By -- May 15, 2017 No Comments

“I, therefore, juxtapose feminist posthumanist theories and feminist food studies scholarship to demonstrate how eastern fox squirrels are subjected to gendered, racialized, and speciesist thinking in the popular news media as a result of their feeding/eating practices, their unique and unfixed spatial arrangements in the greater Los Angeles region, and the western, modernist human frame through which humans interpret these actions.”

– Professor Teresa Lloro-Bidart (below)

“Trump and the climate-destroyers he brought into office with him, such as Rex Tillerson and Scott Pruitt, are not driven by compassion for victims. They are animated by a callous and rapacious search for profits for themselves and their cronies. If they cared about children killed by noxious gases, they wouldn’t want to ban Syrian refugees like the Kurds from the United States. Nor would they want to spew ever more tons of the most noxious gas of all into the blue skies of the only planetary home the human race has.”

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NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story (supposed threats to coastal military installations ignore science)

By Robert Endlich -- May 11, 2017 31 Comments

“Data from CO2 measuring stations and from the Sewell’s Point and all other tide gages may clearly refute these assertions, but NPR and its colleagues will not change their minds.”

“The Sewell’s Point tide gage shows that the rate of sea level rise has not changed since the gage was installed in 1927, and is unchanged from our use of fossil fuels. It’s time to base our policies on sound science, instead of manmade global warming fiction and scare stories.”

National Public Radio’s March 31 “Morning Edition” program carried a “news” story claiming that rising seas threaten a number of U.S. coastal military bases. The commentary was so laden with factual errors that listeners might have thought it was an early April fool’s joke. Unfortunately, it was not.…

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Moral Foundations of a Free Society

By Richard Ebeling -- April 20, 2017 2 Comments Continue Reading

Properly Representing Wind and Solar in Electric Systems: Generation Capacity (Part I)

By Kent Hawkins -- April 11, 2017 22 Comments Continue Reading

RFF’s Climate Anger (intellectual pollution hazardous too)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 4, 2017 2 Comments Continue Reading

On the Falsity of Climate Consensus: Judith Curry’s March 29, 2017, Testimony

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 3, 2017 7 Comments Continue Reading

Climate Dereg: ‘Energy Independence AND Economic Growth’ (Trump’s EO of March 28, 2017)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 31, 2017 5 Comments Continue Reading

Mike Lynch on Peak Oil–Part 2

By -- March 30, 2017 4 Comments Continue Reading