Horsepower Sure Beats Horses! (Part II: transportation gains from the ‘master resource’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 9, 2009 No Comments

“Vice President [Al] Gore is wrong to call for the elimination of the internal combustion engine, and wrong again to call ‘absurd’ our current reliance on cars and trucks. Mobility is an essential and inseparable part of almost all that we value—from close-knit families to rewarding careers, quality educations, and fulfilling recreation. Mobility truly is what makes our autonomy possible. And cars, trucks, and the internal combustion engine are worth keeping because they make automobility itself increasingly sustainable.”

– Joseph Bast and Jay Lehr, “The Increasing Sustainability of Cars, Trucks, and the Internal Combustion Engine,” Heartland Institute Policy Study No. 95, June 2000, p. 54.

Part I of this two-part series described the primitive, messy, inefficient  prehistory of the mechanized transportation.  Today’s post provides quotations form different scholars that describe the great advances provided by carbon-based energy transportation.…

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Knocking on OPEC’s Door: The U.S. Becomes a Major Oil Exporter

By Robert Bryce -- October 8, 2009 4 Comments

Should the U.S. join OPEC? After all,  the U.S., home of the never-ending calls for “energy independence,” is an oil exporter. A big one.

Through the first six months of 2009, America’s daily exports were averaging 1.9 million barrels per day.[i] At that level, U.S. oil exports are on a par with countries like Angola and Venezuela.[ii] Of course, the vast majority of those exports are refined products, not crude. And those exports are also largely a function of America’s position as the world’s largest oil importer, which means that OPEC membership is rather unlikely.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the U.S. is an integral player in the oil market. And there has never been a bigger, more global, more integrated, more transparent market than the modern crude oil and oil products market.…

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A Death Spiral for Climate Alarmism, Redux?

By Kenneth P. Green -- September 30, 2009 13 Comments

Desperation is setting in among climate alarmists who by their own math can see that the window is rapidly closing on “saving the planet.”

James Hansen, for instance, said three years ago in the New York Review of Books: “We have at most ten years—not ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally the trajectory of global greenhouse emissions.” That was also Al Gore’s estimate in “An Inconvenient Truth.” But the time has been ticking away, and it’s increasingly obvious that the Gore/Hansen “wrenching transformation” of the U.S. energy system is simply not going to happen.

Perhaps Copenhagen will make it official.

U.S. cap-and-trade has become a big political liability, in particular, as polls show voters are relatively unconcerned about climate change, and are deeply averse to higher energy prices.…

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The Global Cooling Scare Revisited (‘Ice Age’ Holdren had plenty of company)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 26, 2009 17 Comments

“Predictions of future climate trends by Stephen Schneider and other leading climatologists, based on the prevailing knowledge of the atmosphere in the early 1970s, gave more weight to the potential problem of global cooling than it now appears to merit.”

– Paul and Anne Ehrlich, Betrayal of Science and Reason (Washington: Island Press, 1996), p. 34.

Recent attention has been paid to the coming Ice Age talk of John Holdren and Steven Schneider before they got global warming religion.

Here are some “global cooling” quotations and comments from an earlier era. While such concern was not a scientific ‘consensus,’ such as that created by the United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in favor of high-sensitivity anthropogenic global warming, the Ice Age scare was a very active hypothesis that should give pause to the Boiling Age purveyors of today.…

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The Federal “Green” Superhighway: 3,000 Miles to Nowhere? (Part II: Obama’s power grab, high cost)

By Robert Peltier -- September 23, 2009 7 Comments Continue Reading

The Federal ‘Green’ Super Highway: 3,000 Miles to Nowhere? (Part II: Obama’s power grab and high cost)

By Robert Peltier -- No Comments Continue Reading

Running Into Oil

By -- September 21, 2009 9 Comments Continue Reading

Even the Generals are Worried! Mission Creep, Climate Change, and National Security (Part 2)

By -- September 16, 2009 5 Comments Continue Reading

Even the Generals are Worried! Mission Creep, Climate Change, and National Security (Part 1)

By -- September 15, 2009 15 Comments Continue Reading

Tribute to Tiber: “Oil is Found in the Minds of Men”

By Peter Foster -- September 9, 2009 5 Comments Continue Reading