‘Black Activists Oppose Shutdown of Line 5 Pipeline’ (Project 21 vs. DeSmog re environmental justice)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 10, 2022 No Comments

β€œ’Why would President Biden want to increase the misery of people already trying to keep up with the inflation he caused? It’s absurd that he wants to increase their misery by reducing the flow of oil into the Great Lakes region at the onset of winter,’ said Project 21 member Emery McClendon.”

Energy affordability, accessibility, and reliability is color-blind and income-sensitive. Wealthy persons can pay for home generators and drive or fly away from trouble. Poorer people are stuck in their circumstances. For the latter, energy-price setbacks mean budget cuts elsewhere.

This was the basic theme of a November 2021 press release by Project 21, “Biden Betrays ‘Environmental Justice’ Claims By Risking Energy Poverty” concerning the Biden Administration’s potential closure of Line 5, a dual Wisconsin-to-Canada-to-Michigan pipeline currently in operation.…

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Chris Tomlinson Gets Ugly against Petroleum (Houston Chronicle bias shines through)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 9, 2021 2 Comments

The false, wasteful crusade of anti-capitalist, anti-energy deep ecologists needs to be demoted. And Chris Tomlinson needs to get off the hate train as energy density continues to drive the world market.

Climate change is a political issue. A business issue. The climate does not need to be saved; in fact, humankind needs to be saved from a political and intellectual elite pushing authoritarian climate policy.

Perhaps Chris Tomlinson should get fired, not the oil executives and ministers that promote their products in the face of climate alarmism and forced energy transformation. And perhaps it is Tomlinson who needs to take his blinders off and start over with his understanding of energy and of government intervention, not to mention climate science (or the lack thereof).

The Houston Chronicle business editorial writer has long been prone to hyperbole and astringency.…

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Lone CC&S Coal Project Closed (NRG rate base boondoggle)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2021 1 Comment

Different technologies, different time periods, different rationales, same result. Lesson learned again: markets pick winners, leaving the losers for government.

It was synthetic fuels then; it is coal carbon capture & storage (CCC&S) today.

News flash: The billion-dollar Petra Nova Coal Carbon Capture System (CCCS) outside of Houston, enabled by a $190 million U.S. Department of Energy grant, has announced closure. Last May, NRG Energy put Petra Nova “in reserve shutdown.” It now faces the scrap heap.

From its start-up in 2017, Petra Nova suffered cost overruns, prolonged outages, and other problems associated with new, unproven technology. It also failed to meet its CO2 capture goals of one-third of the coal unit’s CO2 emissions.

The 240-MW project at Coal Unit 8 of the W.A. Parish Generating Station was designed to remove one-third of the coal’s CO2.…

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More ‘Cancel Culture’ from Texas A&M Climatologists (Gunnar Schade joins Andrew Dessler)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 7, 2021 No Comments

“Thanks Rob Bradley for coming here to confirm Exxon’s (and by extension your) lies.” (Gunnar Schade, Texas A&M University)

“Enron was the bad firm; ExxonMobil under Lee Raymond was the good firm. Energy affordability matters! Happy to debate this with you at Texas A&M!” (Bradley, below)

On social media, Goran Janjic, self-described “Head of Sustainability | Business Strategist | Managing Director | Corporate and Government Affairs Leader,” shared a recent article (Tracing Big Oil’s PR War to Delay Action on Climate ChangeHarvard Gazette) and stated:

ExxonMobil has misled the public about #climatechange by telling the public one thing and then saying and doing the opposite behind closed doors.

The latest work shows that while their tactics have evolved from outright, blatant climate denial to more subtle forms of #lobbying and propaganda, their end goal remains the same.

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Dear Wiki: Time to Correct (IER description biased, erroneous)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 22, 2021 3 Comments Continue Reading

Walzel Strikes for Climate Realism (Houston Chronicle interview fair, telling)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 2, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

“Energy Facism” (Rothbard 1974 speaks to us today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 16, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Renewables Slow “Energy Transition” (It’s not easy being green)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 6, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Deepwater Horizon at 11: Remember “Beyond Petroleum” BP

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 20, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Going Honest on GHG Emissions: The Milloy Petition (and early success)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 16, 2021 1 Comment Continue Reading